Koźbiał, Krzysztof2015-05-142015-05-1420131732-9639http://repozytorium.ur.edu.pl/handle/item/917Article 1 of the Constitution of Liechtenstein mentioned 2 regions Oberland (Upper Country) and Unterland (Lower Country) and 11 municipalities. They play an important constitutional role in the Principality. The municipalities exercise considerable autonomy, encompasses responsibility such as the election of the municipal organs (the highest organ is the Municipal Assembly), organization, the determination of municipal taxes and the granting of citizenship. Financial management and municipal accounts are subject to supervision by the Government.polUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskahttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/LiechtensteinmunicipalitiesautonomycitizenshipSamorząd lokalny w LiechtensteinieTHE LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN LIECHTENSTEINarticle