Jestal, Jerzy2017-07-242017-07-242011Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia, vol. 6 (2011), s. 133–1762084-4409 article constitutes a critical review of the knowledge and theories regarding ritual and ceremony which have emerged in the social sciences. The impetus for this undertaking is the conviction that the issue of ritual has been paid insufficient attention – particularly in sociology. The text opens with deliberation on the subject of defining ritual and ceremony. Subsequently, the theories of ritual which explain existing ceremonies by looking at the conditions under which these observances arose are examined. This article comprises also ponderings on the place of ritual in sociological theory.engUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polska, ceremonytheorysocial sciencesmythreligiontheatregenesis, function, and types of ritualThe Concept of Ritual in Sociology and other Social SciencesPojęcie rytuału w socjologii i innych naukach społecznycharticle