Materiały i Sprawozdania Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego T. 41 (2020)


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  • Pozycja
    Badania ratownicze osady wczesnośredniowiecznej w Głazowie, stan. 22, pow. sandomierski
    (Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2020) Florek, Marek
    In 2005, rescue excavations were carried out at site 22 (discovered a year earlier) in Głazów. Their aim was to record and explore the features visible in the high balk. Two of the examined features were the remains of smoking chambers (pits), and the third pit could be of an utility function. Based on the pottery sherds found inside, these features should be dated between the beginning of the 9th and the end of the 10th century. However, in the arable layer of the ground and on the surface of the site, there were mainly fragments of ceramics determined to the 12th – 13th centuries. This dating indicates the two-phase settlement of the early medieval site 22 in Głazów: the first phase – 9th – 10th (or the beginning of the 11th century); the second phase – 12th – 13th centuries. The village Głazów, which exists today, is a direct continuation of the settlement of the second phase.
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    „Luźne” znaleziska żelaznych grotów oszczepów kultury przeworskiej z Wyżyny Sandomierskiej i jej obrzeża
    (Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2020) Florek, Marek
    The subject of the research are 5 spearheads from the villages: Leszczków, Rytwiany, Szczeka and Lubienia, in the Świętokrzyskie voivodeship. The artefacts, apart from the one from Szczeka, were found by accident, probably in the course of illegal searches with the use of metal detectors. The spearheads should be dated to the younger Pre-Roman period and the Roman period. They probably come from the destroyed cremation graves from the unknown so far cemeteries of the Przeworsk culture.
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    Dwa zabytki brązowe z południowo-wschodniej Lubelszczyzny
    (Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2020) Kłosińska, Elżbieta Małgorzata
    The article describes two bronze artefacts discovered without context in the Lublin region. The first one is a fragment of a knife blade found in Kornie. This item can be associated with the onset of the Lusatian culture. The second artefact, the cheekpiece of the Kamyševach type, probably comes from the Carpathian Basin from the Thraco-Cimmerian environment in the late Bronze Age.
  • Pozycja
    Brama zamku „Golesz” w Krajowicach w świetle badań archeologicznych i prac zabezpieczająco-restauratorskich prowadzonych w latach 2010–2019
    (Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2020) Lubelczyk, Antoni
    The subject of the article is a gate of the medieval and modern period castle “Golesz” in the former Sandomierz land. First of all, there is a description of the gate as the only element of the castle that survived on the surface in a degenerate form and was described in this form at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Later, the results of archaeological research and conservation work carried out in 2010–2019 have been presented. A gate system (12×10 m) was recognized, with a thickened section housing two small rooms on the right, a 4-meter-wide passageway in the centre and an outer wall with a buttress on the left. The exposed walls were secured and left in the form of a permanent ruin. Both stages of work at the site have been thoroughly documented on the basis of 3D laser scanning technologies.
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    Grodzisko w Chotyńcu – problem ochrony konserwatorskiej i zagospodarowania dla potrzeb edukacyjnych
    (Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2020) Czopek, Sylwester
    The article, while discussing the importance of archaeological research conducted for several years within the Early Iron Age fortified settlement in Chotyniec, focuses on the need to make decisions considering the further protection of this unique site. Furthermore, it draws up the program of establishing the Chotyniec Culture Park as a place of protection, research and popularization of knowledge about prehistory. The idea of public archaeology fits in a broader regional context with the need to protect the local cultural landscape.