Wielkość i struktura lokalnych rynków pracy średnich miast województwa podkarpackiego

Obrazek miniatury
Baran, Ewa
Tomaszewski, Paweł
Tytuł czasopisma
Tytuł tomu
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
The article presents the changes in size and structure of the local labour markets in medium-sized towns of the Podkarpackie Province in the years 1995–2015. The group of midsize towns is represented by nine cities with a population between 20–100 thousand inhabitants. Together, the population of these towns represents over a half of the urban population in the region of Podkarpackie. In this context, the role of medium towns – as cores of the local labour markets – is often overlooked. The recent situation of examined towns – in terms of the size of labour markets – has deteriorated compare to the 1995. Over the past two decades, the total number of employees decreased by more than 12%. The changes concerns also the employment structure by gender and economic sectors (especially the development of the service sector).
Słowa kluczowe
Midsize towns , labour market , town functions , Podkarpackie Province
Przedsiębiorstwo i region z. 8/2016, s. 99–111