Germanistische Kontexte nr 2(1)/2017
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Pozycja Biere, Bernd Ulrich (2015): „Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Grammatik, Wortschatz, Orthographie“ (Sprachwissen 4). Brey: Mykum Verlag. 134 S.(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Pociask, JanuszPozycja Christa Wolf: Geschichte einer langwierigen Emanzipation(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Światłowski, ZbigniewThe paper discusses Christa Wolf, a GDR author, and the arduous process of her emancipation. Accounting for the young Wolf’s aesthetic views aired in the late 1950s in her first literary criticism, the present discussion centers on the question of “realism” in literature as well as that of the role of literature in a socialist society. The description of Ch. Wolf’s attitude to Anna Seghers is supplemented with some remarks on Wolf’s understanding of literature.Pozycja DDR und Erinnerungsstrategien ostdeutscher Autoren und Autorinnen in literarischen Texten nach 1990(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Jaśkiewicz, GrzegorzThe paper presents memory strategies of East German authors in literary texts after 1990. It involves mainly young authors and texts with the autobiographical background. Is addresses, in particular, the question of Ostalgie, which was used in the 1990s to give the impression that the GDR would be remembered nostalgically. The transfiguration of the image is a reminder of the possible strategies and constitutes part of the collective memory. A critical confrontation with the German Democratic Republic is missing.Pozycja Der Subjunktor wy/wie daz/das in ausgewählten Texten der Ordenskanzlei(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Grabarek, JózefThe article discusses the state of development of the the dyadic coordinating conjunction wy/wie daz/das in Eastern-Central Germany in the first half of the Early-New-High-German period. The analysis is based on three texts: − Liber scabinorum veteris civitatis Thoruniensis (1363–1428), − Liber Commendariae Gedanensis (1354–1453), − Protokolle des Generallandtags von Preußen Königlichen Anteils aus den Jahren 1526–1528, (The Protocols of the General State Diet of Royal Prussia).Pozycja Die Kategorie ‚Aspekt‘ im kontrastiven Sprachvergleich(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Kostrzewa, FrankAspect is a grammatical category allowing the speaker to individually refer to an action or event which can be either in progress or completed. Whereas the Slavonic languages have developed a morphologically structured system in order to denote aspect, the Germanic or Romance languages only possess rudimentary forms of aspect differentiation. In Korean, as an agglutinative language, aspect is expressed by adding suffixes to the verb or by forming a complex verb which contains an aspect verb. In some cases temporal adverbs are needed for the disambiguation of sentences with temporal aspectuality. Bhatt/Schmidt (1993:71ff) claim the existence of a Rhenish progressive form for the German language, similar to the progressive forms in English. The category aspect should be considered in close connection with the categories of action, tense and eventuality.Pozycja Funktionsverbgefüge und ihre Stammverbkonstruktionen – ein korpusbasierter Vergleich(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Fejklowicz, UrszulaFunktionsverbgefüge are described as complex predicates with characteristic morphosyntactic and semantic features. Verbo-nominal constructions are composed of a verb component and a noun component. The construction as a whole is closely related to the derivation basis of the noun component. The present paper offers a comparison between two constructions: im Zusammenhang stehen and zusammenhängen. It has been tested if language users really take advantage of Funktionsverbgefüge properties, their syntactic and semantic behavior. The aim of this case study was to state the syntactic and semantic properties of the two construction types and their stylistic and functional benefits more precisely.Pozycja Identifizierung der Argumentationsindikatoren anhand der Regel der Gerechtigkeit und des Grundsatzes der Gegenseitigkeit(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Buć, BartoszThe authors of the pragma-dialectical theory of argumentation, van Eemeren and Grootendorst, distinguish between three argumentation schemes, i.e. symptomatic argumentation, causal argumentation and analogy argumentation. Moreover, they have created a catalogue of English words and phrases that are typical of the particular scheme and are called argumentative indicators. Their presence in a text can serve as an indication of the fact that an argument is being advanced. The present paper attempts to examine and list indicators of subtypes of the analogy argumentation in German.Pozycja Kleintext – Großtext – Bild. Der Text-Kosmos in der Patienteninformation(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Greule, AlbrechtThe text grammar of German was for a long time limited to the description of the coherence of small texts. However, it was later noted that the text grammar which concentrated on small texts (microtexts) encountered limitations and did not agree with modern text creation nor was capable of expressing it in its entirety. Text grammarians had to take account of the fact that a “large text” comprises a great deal of small texts which mostly occur in a group with one or several illustrations. As a result, it concerns a well-organized quantity of small texts. The present paper aims to publicize the insights of the most recent research on the structure of large text: “information for patients”, which is an everyday text sort. Information for patients has been analyzed into eight text-parts which are examined text-grammatically and for which a microsubject is individually formulated. Joining the microsubjects allows the formulation of a global subject. Both illustrations in the text-example have a complementary text character. The quality of the text-example is finally evaluated positively as an attempt has been made to provide the medical contents in the form of an interview attractively.Pozycja Kurz zur Pragmatik von Werbeslogans(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Jílková, HanaThe paper deals with the question of the pragmatic level of advertising slogans. It focuses on the characteristics of basic acts, tactics and strategies of communication. Individual speech tactics and strategies are demonstrated with regard to printed German and Czech advertisement. Single forms of actions as assertion, presentation, question and suggestion are described more closely. Basic situational aspects of advertising slogans are mentioned and further described as monologic or dialogic.Pozycja „L’amour faux“: Ferdinand von Saars „Sappho” (1904) und die Figur des ‚Liebestölpels’(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Nesselhauf, JonasFrom literary realism to the ‘Chick Lit’ of the early 21st century, falling in love may cause problems for at least one of the lovers – especially when the relationship does not meet the expectations raised by literary or filmic works. Hence, the self-expression and selfdramatization fails, for instance when the lovesick Lichutin wants to commit suicide in Belyj’s “Petersburg” (1911) or Großmann tries to propose to Mathilde Möhring in “Fontane’s” novel (1895). Using the example of Ferdinand von Saars novella “Sappho” (1904) and along with theoretical and cultural-historical remarks, this paper introduces the literary figure of the ‘Liebestölpel’ (love-fool).Pozycja Martin Walsers „Halbzeit“ – ein verwickeltes Rollenspiel in der Ehe(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Głuszko-Boczoń, EsteraThe paper aims to present complicated gender relations in Martin Walser’s novel “Halftime”. Moments of satisfaction or even happiness in the main character’s marriage are intertwined with annoyance and mutual boredom. Walser masterfully shows the essence of marital life in which happiness and unhappiness, tenderness and indifference, commitment and impatience, all go hand in hand. The game of appearances occurs in the most intimate spheres of life, spouses put on masks, and the border between truth and falsehood is almost unnoticeable.Pozycja Mazurkiewicz-Sokołowska, Jolanta/Sulikowska, Anna/Westphal, Werner (Hrsg.) (2016): „Chancen und Perspektiven einer Emotionslinguistik“. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač. 218 S.(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Rolek, BogusławaPozycja Passive house / Passivhaus / casa passiva: Metaphorik im europäischen Diskurs des nachhaltigen Bauens(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Crestani, ValentinaThe paper presents the results of a linguistic analysis of English, German and Italian texts, whose topic is bioarchitecture. The texts are diatopic and diaphasic variable. They belong to the textual genre of web sites, i.e. presentations of institutes and of producers, and they refer to the specific topic of construction of passive houses. Metaphors are analysed in order to find models of conceptualisation in the three languages, showing similarities or differences according to the perspective adopted (whether qualitative or quantitative). The topological similarities between German and English and the differences between German/ English as Germanic languages and Italian as a Romance language are not always to be found in the conceptualisation of metaphors.Pozycja Phraseologische Reihen in der Wirtschaftssprache(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Stroisz, JaninaThe paper discusses ‘phraseological chain’ (phraseological families) in modern business language. The analysis aims to illustrate its occurrence in German and Polish press texts. The study is based on samples from the following newspapers: “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”, “Handelsblatt”, “Wirtschaftswoche”, “Gazeta Wyborcza”, “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna” and “Rzeczpospolita”. The argumentation provided in the article is supposed to seek evidence to the claim that it is the given context that determines the idiomatic character of respective expressions. A deep analysis of various phraseological units allows to notice the parallel occurrence of idiomaticity. The adopted method of defining the semantic structure of a particular idiom or idiomatic expression enables to determine the scope of equivalence. The study also explores the question of how these phraseological units are cohesive to their context. The materials collected for the purpose of this paper might be implemented in further contrastive analysis of fixed expressions and idioms in German and Polish business language.Pozycja Szczęk, Joanna (2015): „Absageschreiben auf Bewerbungen. Eine pragmalinguistische Studie“. Berlin: Frank & Timme: Verlag für wissenschaftliche Literatur. 416 S.(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Sieradzka, MałgorzataPozycja Verbsemantik der Teilsatzprädikate in Temporalsatzgefügen der nicht näher spezifizierten Nachzeitigkeit eines Temporalsatzgeschehens im Deutschen(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Wierzbicka, MariolaThe paper discusses ways of expressing the temporal relations of posteriority in adverbial clauses with bevor and ehe in the German language. Although the relations can be expressed by participle phrases, noun phrases, prepositional phrases and infinitive phrases, the adverbial clause is the most frequent means of expressing the relations. The temporal adverbial clause has an almost unlimited range of application which stretches from vaguely hinted relation to absolute necessity, and from general statements and clarifications to definite emotionally motivated utterances. Wherever there is an obvious connection between facts, events, actions, relations as well as personal will and feeling, it can be expressed by means of a temporal structure. The subject of the paper is the influence of conjunctions bevor and ehe on the time arrangement of situations introduced into the time clause and the main close with regard to morphological, syntactic and semantic elements in German.Pozycja Wolting, Monika (Hrsg.) (2013): „Die Mühen der Ebenen. Aufsätze zur deutschen Literatur nach 1989”. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe WSPIA. 460 S.(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Jaśkiewicz, Grzegorz