Germanistische Kontexte
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Germanistische Kontexte to czasopismo o profilu naukowym powstałe w roku 2015, które w zamyśle ma stanowić platformę opisu i dystrybucji wyników dociekań naukowych polskich i zagranicznych badaczy z różnych dziedzin: językoznawstwa, literaturoznawstwa, kulturoznawstwa jak również innych pokrewnych. Czasopismo redagowane jest w Instytucie Filologii Germańskiej Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Komitet Naukowy ma charakter międzynarodowy i skupia uznanych badaczy z określonych dziedzin nauki. Tym samym zasięg czasopisma ma charakter międzynarodowy. Rzeszowski ośrodek badań germanistycznych ma już długą historię i znaczne dokonania. Powstanie czasopisma Germanistische Kontexte wyniknęło zatem z woli i konieczności popularyzowania prowadzonych tutaj badań oraz krytycznego spojrzenia na wszelkie badania germanistyczne. W Germanistische Kontexte można publikować w języku niemieckim oraz angielskim. Ważną częścią jest także dział recenzji, które uzupełniają profil pisma o ocenę dokonywanych badań i publikowanych ich wyników.
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- PozycjaBiere, Bernd Ulrich (2015): „Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Grammatik, Wortschatz, Orthographie“ (Sprachwissen 4). Brey: Mykum Verlag. 134 S.(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Pociask, Janusz
- PozycjaBildlichkeit der Phraseme in der Wirtschaftssprache(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Stroisz, JaninaThe subject matter of this article is contrastive analysis of German and Polish idiomatic expressions in modern business language. Semantic analysis carried out in the article supports the crucial statement that metaphors are not only elements of literature but they also constitute a substantial part of specialised language. However, their function is different. Metaphors used in newspapers are lexicalized, which enables readers to receive specialised expressions and structures in a more understandable, expressive and aesthetic form. A significant part of the thesis is a detailed study of the examples provided from Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Handelsblatt, Wirtschaftswoche, Gazeta Wyborcza, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna and Rzeczpospolita.
- PozycjaBrecht – ein Frauenliebling?(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Światłowski, ZbigniewThe paper aims to describe the figure of Bert Brecht and his penchant for women. This preference of his is also reflected in the literary texts, here mainly love poems. Based on the example of some poems, Brecht's attitude toward women is discussed.
- Pozycja„Busfahrer“, „trasporto merci“, „meat-eater“: Rektionskomposita im Deutschen, im Italienischen und im Englischen(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Crestani, ValentinaSynthetic compounds like “Busfahrer”, “trasporto merci” and “meat-eater” have not been analysed in contrastive studies but primarily in monolingual works. The lack of contrastive analysis, which take into consideration three or more languages, is evident not only from an academic perspective but also from a didactic perspective. There is a need for multilingual studies in order to avoid the risk of polar comparisons and to improve the didactic of foreign languages. Synthetic compounds are an appropriate field to apply multilingual research to, involving German, Italian and English, where they are present with terminological and categorization distinctions as well as structural differences. In my paper, I compare the status of these constructions in the three languages and I review traditional categorizations with the aim to find a systematization “super partes”, which can be adopted in contrastive German – Italian – English research. In the second step, I propose the analysis of synthetic compounds according to a word-based model approach and to morphological correspondences between words in the lexicon. I assume that the lexicon does not consist of morphemes, but it is composed of entire words and word schemas. The model accounts for compounds with the same criteria in the three languages.
- PozycjaChrista Wolf: Geschichte einer langwierigen Emanzipation(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Światłowski, ZbigniewThe paper discusses Christa Wolf, a GDR author, and the arduous process of her emancipation. Accounting for the young Wolf’s aesthetic views aired in the late 1950s in her first literary criticism, the present discussion centers on the question of “realism” in literature as well as that of the role of literature in a socialist society. The description of Ch. Wolf’s attitude to Anna Seghers is supplemented with some remarks on Wolf’s understanding of literature.
- PozycjaDDR und Erinnerungsstrategien ostdeutscher Autoren und Autorinnen in literarischen Texten nach 1990(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Jaśkiewicz, GrzegorzThe paper presents memory strategies of East German authors in literary texts after 1990. It involves mainly young authors and texts with the autobiographical background. Is addresses, in particular, the question of Ostalgie, which was used in the 1990s to give the impression that the GDR would be remembered nostalgically. The transfiguration of the image is a reminder of the possible strategies and constitutes part of the collective memory. A critical confrontation with the German Democratic Republic is missing.
- PozycjaDer Satz im Koreanischen(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Kostrzewa, FrankThe Korean language is an agglutinative language belonging to the Ural-Altaic language family, which follows a subject-object-verb-structure. The verbs are followed by suffixes which denote tense, aspect, mode and honorific forms. Nouns, pronouns and other non-verbal parts of speech are followed by particles which mark the role of the corresponding parts of speech in the sentence. The Korean language does not possess prepositions. Thus, the major part of grammatical relations and other functional connections, which in English are marked by prepositions as well as subordinating or coordinating conjunctions, is expressed by postpositional particles. The marking of subjects by postpositions allows subjects to appear in different parts of a sentence than the initial position. A typical Korean sentence follows the subsequent pattern: 1st Time adverbials 2nd Local adverbial (Adverbial of Place) 3rd Subject-Noun phrase 4th Dative-Noun phrase 5th Modal adverbials 6th Object-Noun phrase 7th Verb
- PozycjaDer Subjunktor wy/wie daz/das in ausgewählten Texten der Ordenskanzlei(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Grabarek, JózefThe article discusses the state of development of the the dyadic coordinating conjunction wy/wie daz/das in Eastern-Central Germany in the first half of the Early-New-High-German period. The analysis is based on three texts: − Liber scabinorum veteris civitatis Thoruniensis (1363–1428), − Liber Commendariae Gedanensis (1354–1453), − Protokolle des Generallandtags von Preußen Königlichen Anteils aus den Jahren 1526–1528, (The Protocols of the General State Diet of Royal Prussia).
- PozycjaDie Kategorie ‚Aspekt‘ im kontrastiven Sprachvergleich(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Kostrzewa, FrankAspect is a grammatical category allowing the speaker to individually refer to an action or event which can be either in progress or completed. Whereas the Slavonic languages have developed a morphologically structured system in order to denote aspect, the Germanic or Romance languages only possess rudimentary forms of aspect differentiation. In Korean, as an agglutinative language, aspect is expressed by adding suffixes to the verb or by forming a complex verb which contains an aspect verb. In some cases temporal adverbs are needed for the disambiguation of sentences with temporal aspectuality. Bhatt/Schmidt (1993:71ff) claim the existence of a Rhenish progressive form for the German language, similar to the progressive forms in English. The category aspect should be considered in close connection with the categories of action, tense and eventuality.
- PozycjaDiskursmarkierung multidimensional: Perspektiven eines Forschungsprojekts zum Deutschen, Italienischen und Englischen(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Brambilla, Marina Marzia; Crestani, ValentinaIn the following paper we aim to present our project about discourse particles in German, Italianand English. Particles (“Abtönungspartikeln”) like “den”, “ja”, “eben” are often used in German to remark the attitude of the speaker/writer. Similar particles are not present in the same way in Italian and in English. We suppose that the attitude of the speaker is expressed through other ways, which relate to cultural and social factors. These ways do not only imply verbal expressions but also nonverbal elements like gestures and facial expressions, which have not been considered in previous studies about “Abtönungspartikeln”. It is evident that multidimensional analysis can improve research about particles. Moreover, monographs and articles about “Abtönungspartikeln” consider a couple of languages like German-Spanish, German-Italian, German-French etc. but not groups of languages. Our paper is divided into two main sections. The first section gives a brief description of the theoretical basis of our research, the reasons to investigate the subject of discourse-marking elements and the corpus. The second section focuses on our main theses: 1. Contrastive linguistics has to analyse groups of languages; 2. Discourse-marking is a communicative-oriented subject, which requires the consideration of various dimensions and not only of the linguistic dimension.
- Pozycja„Fortsetzung folgt“: Serielle Logik In Gutenbergs Typographeum(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Münkner, JörnAmong the aesthetic strategies of stimulating media’s reception is a serial logic. Based on two broadsheets from the early modern period, the article examines how the prompt succession and the close juxtaposition of correlating scenes structure or even determine the cognitive and aesthetic reception of the materials. The examples tend to ‘enliven’ their depiction; their serial logic fosters the reader-beholder’s expectation for more information and visual entertainment while feeding the growing print market with new supplies. The typographeum yields media intent on ‘setting in motion’ the images that are fully generated in the mind of the viewer.
- PozycjaFunktionsverbgefüge und ihre Stammverbkonstruktionen – ein korpusbasierter Vergleich(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Fejklowicz, UrszulaFunktionsverbgefüge are described as complex predicates with characteristic morphosyntactic and semantic features. Verbo-nominal constructions are composed of a verb component and a noun component. The construction as a whole is closely related to the derivation basis of the noun component. The present paper offers a comparison between two constructions: im Zusammenhang stehen and zusammenhängen. It has been tested if language users really take advantage of Funktionsverbgefüge properties, their syntactic and semantic behavior. The aim of this case study was to state the syntactic and semantic properties of the two construction types and their stylistic and functional benefits more precisely.
- PozycjaGleich-, Nach- und Vorzeitigkeitsrelationen in den als-Temporalsatzgefügen im Deutschen(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Wierzbicka, MariolaThe paper discusses ways of expressing the temporal relations of simultaneity, anteriority and posteriority in adverbial clauses with als in the German language. Although the relations can be expressed by participle phrases, noun phrases, prepositional phrases and infinitive phrases, the adverbial clause is the most frequent means of expressing the relations. The temporal adverbial clause has an almost unlimited range of application which stretches from vaguely hinted relation to absolute necessity, and from general statements and clarifications to definite emotionally motivated utterances. Wherever there is an obvious connection between facts, events, actions, relations as well as personal will and feeling, it can be expressed by means of a temporal structure.
- PozycjaIdentifizierung der Argumentationsindikatoren anhand der Regel der Gerechtigkeit und des Grundsatzes der Gegenseitigkeit(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Buć, BartoszThe authors of the pragma-dialectical theory of argumentation, van Eemeren and Grootendorst, distinguish between three argumentation schemes, i.e. symptomatic argumentation, causal argumentation and analogy argumentation. Moreover, they have created a catalogue of English words and phrases that are typical of the particular scheme and are called argumentative indicators. Their presence in a text can serve as an indication of the fact that an argument is being advanced. The present paper attempts to examine and list indicators of subtypes of the analogy argumentation in German.
- PozycjaIdentitätsfacetten und variationsreiche Sprechweisen im Drama „Mensch Meier“ von Franz Xaver Kroetz(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Devran, SerapThe paper is a study of Franz Xaver Kroetz’s “Mensch Meier” dramatic scenes based on literary theory and sociolinguistics, combining the sociological approach and the methods of conversational analysis. It aims to show the ways in which the author represents social reality. To achieve this, it was established what features of language used in creating the fictional world were employed to characterize a member of the working class in his attempt to advance in society.
- PozycjaIrrflug vom Mond. Die Metapher des Raumflugs in Karen Duves Erzählung „Keine Ahnung“(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Nesselhauf, JonasThe story of the nameless protagonist’s life in Karen Duve’s “Keine Ahnung” (1999) can be read as a metaphoric space flight – her escapism through drugs and her anxiety about the future both lead to a proper desire for ‘flying high’ and simultaneously her feeling of being ‘lost’ in life. This is mirrored in the alleged manned space flight of “Gemini 18”, which dramatic collapse is observed by the lethargic young woman. The reading of this modern ‘bovarysme’ considers stylistics of the German pop literature and stories of adolescence, arguing a (metaphoric) connection between the protagonist’s experience and the Cold War ‘space race’.
- PozycjaKleintext – Großtext – Bild. Der Text-Kosmos in der Patienteninformation(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Greule, AlbrechtThe text grammar of German was for a long time limited to the description of the coherence of small texts. However, it was later noted that the text grammar which concentrated on small texts (microtexts) encountered limitations and did not agree with modern text creation nor was capable of expressing it in its entirety. Text grammarians had to take account of the fact that a “large text” comprises a great deal of small texts which mostly occur in a group with one or several illustrations. As a result, it concerns a well-organized quantity of small texts. The present paper aims to publicize the insights of the most recent research on the structure of large text: “information for patients”, which is an everyday text sort. Information for patients has been analyzed into eight text-parts which are examined text-grammatically and for which a microsubject is individually formulated. Joining the microsubjects allows the formulation of a global subject. Both illustrations in the text-example have a complementary text character. The quality of the text-example is finally evaluated positively as an attempt has been made to provide the medical contents in the form of an interview attractively.
- PozycjaKommunikative Leistung der Funktionsverbgefüge und ihrer Stammverben im Deutschen – das Analyseverfahren(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Fejklowicz, Urszula“Funktionsverbgefüge” are described as complex predicates with characteristic morphosyntactic and semantic features. Verbo-nominal constructions are composed of a verb component and a noun component. The construction as a whole is closely related to the derivation basis of the noun component. The present study provides a comparison between constructions “beweisen vs. unter Beweis stellen“ and „kontrollieren vs. unter Kontrolle bringen/halten”. It has been tested, if language users really take advantage of “Funktionsverbgefüge” properties, their syntactic and semantic behavior. The aim of this case study was to state the syntactic and semantic properties of the two construction types and emphasize stylistic and functional benefits more precisely.
- PozycjaKurz zur Pragmatik von Werbeslogans(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Jílková, HanaThe paper deals with the question of the pragmatic level of advertising slogans. It focuses on the characteristics of basic acts, tactics and strategies of communication. Individual speech tactics and strategies are demonstrated with regard to printed German and Czech advertisement. Single forms of actions as assertion, presentation, question and suggestion are described more closely. Basic situational aspects of advertising slogans are mentioned and further described as monologic or dialogic.
- Pozycja„L’amour faux“: Ferdinand von Saars „Sappho” (1904) und die Figur des ‚Liebestölpels’(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Nesselhauf, JonasFrom literary realism to the ‘Chick Lit’ of the early 21st century, falling in love may cause problems for at least one of the lovers – especially when the relationship does not meet the expectations raised by literary or filmic works. Hence, the self-expression and selfdramatization fails, for instance when the lovesick Lichutin wants to commit suicide in Belyj’s “Petersburg” (1911) or Großmann tries to propose to Mathilde Möhring in “Fontane’s” novel (1895). Using the example of Ferdinand von Saars novella “Sappho” (1904) and along with theoretical and cultural-historical remarks, this paper introduces the literary figure of the ‘Liebestölpel’ (love-fool).