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Pozycja A graduate in the labour market – a partnership for problem solving(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Łagowska-Cebula, MonikaFinishing education and entering the labour market is a key step in the life of every young person. At this point the individual departs from their well-known environment. In this environment many convictions are acquired and strategies to handle the requirements of the system are learnt. Even though these strategies do not always lead to the development of the individual, they give them a sense of security. These mechanisms probably become automated and cease to be a cause of stress (Rożnowski 2009: 21). The labour market, however, is a new environment which can cause some anxiety and lead to many stressful situations. The individual must find their feet in an environment where the consequences of failure to fulfil certain obligations can result in a significantly higher penalty than in the education system. The labour market consists of potential employees capable and willing to work and employers willing to hire workers (Szaban 2013: 15) and that is why, the lack of diligence and punctuality as well as the neglect of duty result in loss of employment and subsequent exclusion from that environment. Certainly, at certain stages of education, like for instance university, students can also be threatened with expulsion, but before it actually happens they have many more opportunities to rehabilitate themselves than most employees in the labour market. The labour market conditions which are encountered by young people are also important because they directly contribute to their living situation. Young adults who live with their parents are considered to be lazy and unwilling to rise to the challenge of self-reliance. However, most frequently it is the lack of financial resources to rent a flat (not to mention to purchase it) that is the reason for this situation. In 2012, the percentage of people in Poland aged 18 to 34 living with their parents was 60.2% and 27 – 48.1% in the EU (Central Statistical Office 2013: 11). The purpose of this article is to present the situation encountered by university graduates while seeking their first job. The present situation of the labour market in Subcarpathian Voivodeship, the assistance offered to former students by the District Employment Agency, and their opinion on this aid will be discussed.Pozycja A sense of the meaning of life in women experiencing homelessness(UPJŠ Košice, 2014) Szluz, BeataSearching for the meaning of life is associated with a specific means of an individual’s existence in the world, which can determine axiological existence. A situation that almost forces one to ask questions about the meaning of life is a threat to the perspective of death and expe riences through human suffering. The aforementioned questions therefore appear, especially in the critical moments of human life, such as illness, disability, and homelessness. This article was written based on its own broader study, which was conducted in 2009 among 52 homeless women in Podkarpacie. The test subjects were selected in terms of age, place of residence during the conducted research, and their occasional or permanent residence in a shelter. The biographical method, and the narrative interview technique, a special form of free or in - depth interview, were used. In the article are the deliberations concerning the meaning of life in the perception of homeless women.Pozycja Analiza przepisów polskiego kodeksu karnego dotyczących handlu żywym towarem(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2023) Woźniak, Adrian; Bejster, KarolinaCelem artykułu jest przybliżenie problematyki handlu ludźmi oraz przestępstw związanych z tym procederem na tle regulacji polskiego kodeksu karnego. Autorzy opisują podstawowe definicje, a także dokonują przeglądu orzecznictwa oraz piśmiennictwa związanych z zagadnieniem handlu żywym towarem, powołując się na przykłady tego zjawiska zaistniałe w praktyce.Pozycja Analiza zjawiska pracy przymusowej w ramach przestępstwa stypizowanego w artykule 189a kodeksu karnego przy uwzględnieniu definicji handlu ludźmi z art. 115 §22 w świetle prawa polskiego i orzecznictwa(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2023) Strzępek, Katarzyna; Strzępek, PrzemysławPraca przymusowa jako element handlu ludźmi jest wciąż aktualnym problemem, z którym boryka się wiele krajów świata, w tym Polska. Niniejszy artykuł w sposób najbardziej kompleksowy stara się zobrazować pojęcie pracy przymusowej, jej genezę i istotę na podstawie przepisów, które dotyczą tego procederu. W dalszej części, na podstawie dostępnych danych statystycznych, przedstawiono skalę występowania pracy przymusowej w Polsce oraz problem orzecznictwa, które zdaje się nie znajdować przypadków, które można by prawnie podciągnąć pod przepisy o pracy przymusowej. Dla dodatkowego zrozumienia pojęcia pracy przymusowej porównano ją do pracy niewolniczej. W artykule przedstawiono wizerunek ofiary omawianego przestępstwa, pokazano jej pozycję pobytu w kraju oraz omówiono, z jakich praw może skorzystać. W podsumowaniu autorzy starają się wskazać istniejące problemy i podnoszą kwestię podjęcia prac w tym temacie.Pozycja Approaching the concept of social economy in the CR through the prism of social work – reality and perspective(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Danihelková, EsterOne part of the current discourse of Czech social work is the issue of “marketisation” and the so-called “quasi-market” in the sphere of social services. Social economy, as a part of the national economy, represents an action field for further development of the social work profession. In a wider context, this topic relates to the search for identity of the social work profession in the postmodern society which imposes new requirements and challenges for social work. From its very beginning, social work has been expected to provide protection against the social exclusion of clients and their re-integration into society. Employment is the important element in social integration. Castel suggests: It is increasingly more illusory for social work with the new conditions aimed at integration of its clients into society. In the society in which we live, the fundamental prerequisite for permanent integration is a full-valued job, i.e. something which is actually missing and which cannot be provided by social work itself (Castel 2010: 152). Social work now finds itself in a nonenviable situation as it can no longer rely on the integration that was once massively provided by the labour market and social insurance. The role of social work hitherto has been the fine-tuning of integration in individuals with various disabilities and disadvantages. Nowadays, social work is supposed to apply the same tools to cope with the integration of large groups of people who have been condemned by the labour market to live in uncertainty, while the welfare state has fewer resources to secure these people against the increasing job and life uncertainty (Keller 2010). Unlike social work, the social economy endeavours to optimise the processes associated with increasing poverty, social exclusion, and the impact of a globalised market in becoming a legitimate part of the market as well as civil society through the activisation and stimulation of citizens to self-help and community-service activities. The priority of the social economy is employment of socially excluded persons or those vulnerable to social exclusion (Hunčová 2006). Persistent unemployment, the need for a reduction in the national budget deficit, and maintaining the deficit at low levels are all factors which cause difficulties for conventional social policy and social work. This raises the question to what extent the social economy can contribute to the solution to these problems and whether or not it can assume the role of the public authorities and institutions in certain areas of interest (Borzaga, Defourny 2001). The objective of this document is to analyse the current status of the Czech social economy and social firms. Czech social economy has been gradually defined in its form and researched from the bottom. The initial point of the analysis is formed by the outputs of the project Thematic network for the development of social economy in the Czech Republic. The analysis also includes a description of the current state of social firms in terms of legislation and finances. The conclusion presents several recommendations for the social policy actors in relation to the development of social enterprise in the Czech Republic.Pozycja Arbitration courts as an instrument to activate transborder economic cooperation(Wydawnictwo Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007) Olszewski, JanPozycja Children rough sleepers – from the analysis of the pheno¬menon to an attempt to solve the problem(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Szczygieł, ElżbietaHomelessness among children and youth is a profoundly disturbing phenomenon, and its dimensions are difficult to diagnose unambiguously (GUS, 2012, 2013; MPiPS, 2013; Szczygieł, 2013, 2014a). Owing to the complexity of the factors determining the emergence of this phenomenon, its individual course in each case, and the diversity of the ways of getting out of it, in-depth research in this scope has to be conducted. It is also necessary to scrutinise the phenomenon from different viewpoints – the one of young people who experience this state, as well as the institutions dealing with the solution and prevention of this problem. The aim of this paper is to present the results of research on the phenomenon of homelessness among children and youth realised within the scope of the project Children Rough Sleepers (The Daphne III Programme) and to elaborate on the role which multi-institutional partnerships can fulfil in the area of social problems that are difficult to solve, using funds from the EU budget.Pozycja Conflict management and its diagnostics in social structure relationship networks(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Rachwał, AleksandraSociety’s historical security depends on its management of a mix of the economy’s most important risk factors. These risk factors include the following sectors: health, banking, enterprises, insurance system, pension funds, social networks, media, space management and regulative sectors. In the culture of the functional imperative which is focused on maximising the profit of enterprises, class and social structure can constitute either a firewall or open the doors to the performance of cultural obligations in the society. If social structures are poorly integrated, the maintaining of their stability and the stability of social order is put in danger. According to the World Health Organization, average life expectancy in the period between the years 1999 and 2000 was 61.4 years, while forecasts for the years 2020-2025 expect its increase to 71.6 years. It is anticipated that the entire population of developed countries will increase by 94% whilst the population of people that are 60 years or older will increase by 240%. This of course, definitely means that there will be a significant shift in age proportions toward the growth of the elderly population (Walden-Gałuszko de 2008: 3) and it constitutes a crucial argument in the societal discussion concerning health, disease, and long-term health care standards. Problems related to health-treatment, long waiting times for an appointment with the doctor, difficulties concerning accessing distant specialised health centres (clinics), existing information deficit on where and how to look for all kinds of support, paralysing stress, periodical lack of life-saving drugs, non-caring inhumane regulations, the loss of income in the family – all of the above-listed are just some of the problems faced by families taking care of family member who are suffering from cancer. Society’s major task as far as the development of palliative care is concerned is not only the permanent acquisition of families to perform care for the cancer-stricken patients but also investing in perfecting the caregivers’ skills that are vital especially in consequences arising after oncological treatment, such skills include those needed in combating pain, and skills necessary for palliative care. The main point of society’s departure from the reductionist biomedical model towards the epidemiological model results in a significant reduction in mortality due to chronic diseases (such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer). Nowadays this has led to an increase in the population of people living day by day with chronic disease, and consequently has led to an increase in demand for long-term care and long-term community support. One of the major challenges faced by medical science was the development of new evaluation parameters used for assessing the efficiency of medical care. Parameters include more than objective indicators of care (such as percentage decrease in mortality). Another challenge involves moving towards inclusion of the patient’s perspective on the care provided (patient-centered outcomes) (Tobiasz-Adamczyk 2002: 41). When economic transition accelerates, the rebuilding of social organisation and social consciousness does not keep pace with the speed of the changes. In such conditions people that are left to themselves, no longer know what is possible and what is impossible, what is fair and what is unfair; what hopes and revindications they are entitled to, and those in which they are going too far (Szacki 2006: 392). In this situation, necessary measures on behalf of the state must be taken to foster a family capable of taking care of the ill. It is very important to protect the healthy family which incidentally happens to be in a situation of crisis due to a family member’s grave illness. There is a strong need to support the family in the implementation of tasks related to their caring function and tasks related to meeting the basic needs of the ill family member. Family must be perceived from a broader perspective. We must examine it, as at a healthy family which incidentally, due to family member’s sickness, happens to be in a crisis situation. With the introduction of a social support strategy for the family as a unit of care, a possible reduction in the number of hospitalisations may take place and there also may be an increase in the independence and autonomy of the families. There will be an increase in a family’s ability to resolve everyday problems, to rebuild the necessary social support networks, and to improve the quality of care for sick members of the family.Pozycja Cooperation for the Prevention of Homelesness Using Examples of Selected Countries of the European Union(Jan Evangelista Purkyne in Usti nad Labem, 2015) Szluz, BeataPartnerships between the various institutions are important for a given entity in the process of engaging stakeholders. They lead to the solution of problems that affect all partners. In the context of partnership, individuals, groups and organisations representing different sectors agree to cooperate. Their aim is the fulfillment of their obligations or to undertake specific tasks, bringing their skills and resources together, incurring the risks and costs, and sharing the benefits resulting from the achievement of common partnership goals and the objectives of individual member organisations. Cross-sectoral partnership consists of representatives of the three sectors. These are usually large partnerships entered into with the aim of implementing national, regional, and even international projects, among others, in terms of social assistance. This article illustrates selected examples of actions taken on behalf of homeless individuals that are implemented by entities representing the various sectors, undertaking to cooperate and implement projects for the benefit of this social category.Pozycja Cooperation of educational and social institutions in solving problems of the contemporary family(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Kohut, SvitlanaIn the article the author presents an analysis of the theoretical and practical experience of resolving problems in a family by the specialists of the socio-pedagogical sphere of Ukraine from the time of independence. The family and family upbringing is examined from the angle of interdisciplinary research. A module of a professional program of the preparation of specialists for the area of social services which is oriented towards a detailed study of the family as an object of social-pedagogical work. Current issues of the institution of the family are examined. Through concrete forms of socio-pedagogical activities, the possibilities of resolving current problems of family through the collaboration of educational and social institutions are examined.Pozycja Cultural anthropology and its practical dimension in projects which include cross-sector partnership(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Sikora, MateuszCross-sector partnership can play a major role in initiatives which aim at solving present-day social issues. This article focuses on the possibilities and consequences of cooperation between the public and the social sectors. Higher education institutions – more precisely, one of the main Polish universities – are hereby seen as the representative of the first sector. The second, public sector is hereby represented by non-governmental institutions, those active in Poland as well as abroad. Further presented in this article are the numerous benefits which stem from the inclusion of Cultural Anthropology in the debate concerning solving various social problems in regards to cross-sector partnership. By which – in terms of definition – I understand the cooperation of various sectors, which may result in unprecedented and revolutionary resolutions. Furthermore, anthropology has the potential to encompass all elements of cross-sector partnership, as well as to employ initiatives which are necessary for solving contemporary socio-political matters.Pozycja Development of partnership and cooperation to counteract social exclusion phenomena. To start… why partnership?(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Belcer, Agnieszka; Wojnarowska, AnnaIt is easy to speak about partnership, but it is much more difficult to live it. Lately, partnership has become a strong element of our reality. The word partnership has become very fashionable and popular. It has many meanings and it includes various relationships, connections, networks and types of organisations. The idea of intersectoral partnership within the framework of which authorities representing units of local government, economic entities and third sector organisations cooperate to solve complex local and regional problems is winning many supporters. Partnerships are initiated by companies, nongovernmental organisations or public institutions and act at a local, regional, national or global level. Intersectoral cooperation rarely becomes an easy and quick solution to problems. Partnership undertakings require determination, perseverance and courage. Each party brings different experiences and skills thanks to which intersectoral co-operation can become sustainable, efficient and effective in a condition that it will be properly designed and managed. In Poland, favourable conditions for the idea of intersectoral partnership developed after 1989. There are various reasons for the creation and functioning of this form of cooperation resulting mainly from the development of a citizen society in the 1980s and 1990s and further social and political transformation. Increasing liabilities of the public finance sector resulting in searching for alternative financial resources and an implementation of patterns adopted in other European countries became further impulses for changes.Pozycja Dom pomocy społecznej jako forma wsparcia i opieki nad osobami starszymi(Prešovská univerzita, 2010) Szluz, BeataDom pomocy społecznej stanowią tradycyjną formę tzw. pomocy instytucjonalnej. Są one przeznaczone dla tych, którzy nie mogą otrzymać niezbędnej opieki i wsparcia w ich miejscu zamieszkania. Te instytucje zapewniają pomoc, wsparcie, aktywizację i rehabilitację osobom w starszych wieku.Pozycja „Domność i bezdomność”. Instytucjonalne wsparcie jednostki i rodziny na przykładzie wybranych państw(ROPS Kraków, 2012) Szluz, BeataDom jest budowlą, która ma pewien układ przestrzenny, a związek jednostki z tym miejscem jest specyficzny i odnosi się do wielu sfer działalności. Wielofunkcyjność domu powoduje, że służy on zaspokajaniu potrzeb człowieka. Z kolei jego brak wpływa negatywnie na stan zdrowia uniemożliwia rozwijanie aspiracji, regenerację sił i wypoczynek. Jest miejscem, w którym można być sobą, a także żyć zgodnie ze swoimi upodobaniami. W tym kontekście należy podkreślić, iż jest wspólnotą ludzi, których łączą bliskie więzi i uczucia, a jego mieszkańcy mają wspólną biografię. W części domów funkcje są prawidłowo wypełniane, jednakże jeśli wartości domu nie są dostrzegane, może to prowadzić do pozbawienia specyficznych cech tego miejsca, a nawet do utraty domu. Mieszkanie jest jednym z elementów warunkujących życie ludzi, stąd w prawie do życia mieści się szczegółowe prawo do mieszkania. Należy je uznać za naturalne i niezbywalne prawo osoby. Odnosząc się do danych statystycznych zarówno publikowanych w Polsce, jak również europejskich, można postawić tezę, iż wzrasta liczba starszych osób, mówi się zatem o starzeniu się społeczeństwa, a także feminizowaniu starości, a w tym kontekście o poszukiwaniu najlepszych form, metod czy innowacyjnych rozwiązań w zakresie opieki, pomocy i wsparcia, jednocześnie wzrasta odsetek młodych osób, które pozbawione są domu, zatem stają się bezdomnymi. Nasuwa się pytanie: jakie są uwarunkowania pojawiania się problemu „utraty domu”? Jakie działania są podejmowane w odniesieniu do jednostki, rodziny? Jakie innowacje możemy dostrzec w wybranych krajach europejskich? Czy i jakie wzorce w tym zakresie mogą być inspiracją do poszukiwań w naszym kraju?Pozycja Doświadczanie niepełnosprawności sprzężonej w rodzinie (w biografii opiekuna rodzinnego)(Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej, 2018) Szluz, BeataCaring for a person with multiple disability is not only exhausting physically and emotionally, but can also have high financial costs. The article aims to present difficulties encountered by family caregivers of people with multiple disability. Caring for person with multiple disability means a high risk of decreased quality of life the high risk of decreased quality of life, it is especially true with regard to the family caregivers who have a strong emotional bond with the disabled person.Pozycja Działania promocyjne jako element budowania marki miasta – przegląd działań promocyjnych miasta Rzeszowa(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Przepióra, SabinaNowadays cities as well as companies and all institutions competes for the best place on market. To do so they using territorial marketing. Thanks to it they could build, change and also keep image of the city. All this actions are using to build a strong and individual brand for all customers (in that case residents, tourists, investors and all outside viewers). What is important in territorial marketing is that all actions should be compatible with city character as well as its individual attributes and different then challengers actions in the same time. The main purpose of this article is description and analyze of all Rzeszow marketing actions. The article presents promotional activities, analyzes completed so far campaigns and indicates the main tourist products of the city, which include: inter alia underground route underground circular walkway and a multimedia fountain. It also shows that the city uses new forms of promotion and touring the place which is questing.Pozycja Dziennikarstwo interwencyjne jako przejaw kontrolnej funkcji prasy na przykładzie dzienników woj. podkarpackiego(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2006) Kuca, PawełW tekście podjęto temat dziennikarstwa interwencyjnego jako przejawu kontrolnej funkcji prasy. Problem ten jest analizowany w kontekście dzienników regionalnych wydawanych w województwie podkarpackim.Pozycja Education and Social Inclusion Based on the Example of People with Disabilities(Havlíčkův Brod: Tobiáš, 2013) Szluz, BeataIn this article an attempt was made to find a reply to the question: what is the role of education in the prevention and elimination of social exclusion? The purpose of this consideration is to present the barriers faced by people with disabilities, the context of their exclusion, as well as social integration. It presents the chosen methods of working with individual with disabilities, as promoting innovation in education optimizes the chances for the full participation of disabled persons in social life.Pozycja Experiential learning – developing prosocial students of the Departament of health education faculty of education, Masaryk University in Brno(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Reissmannová, JitkaThe paper describes the innovations that we have implemented in the Department of Health Education Faculty of Education, Masaryk University in Brno and are focused on the development of prosocial students. These include activities related to experiential learning courses on first aid, and currently with the prevention of the syndrome of old age. Innovative teaching leads not only to an increase in the health literacy of students, but also – in the framework of experiential learning – a deep personal experience. Furthermore, in the paper we deal with the possibile implementation of these activities into the school curricula of primary schools – especially (but not only) in the educational area of Humans and Society (Civics) and the crosscutting theme of Personal and Social Education.Pozycja Family in postmodern society(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Kalábová, Helena; Jihlavec, JanThe postmodern era, which we live in, is characterised by the demand for freedom. One person’s freedom ends where another person’s freedom begins. The idea of tolerating another person’s freedom is not new; it has its roots in the works of Thomas Hobbes whose political philosophy stands at the very beginning of the early modern period. The moral rules are strictly purposeful; they ensure balance – arrestment, which is in the best interest of all members of the world community. The fight against each other, selfishness and immorality are eventually to the detriment of the one who disturbs the balance. The 20th century, face to face with tragic events, brought forth a new concept of the world opening up the options of substantive quest for the essence of mankind – its domesticity, concentration and responsibility. Born into the time and space continuum of one’s life, human beings are subject to the life movement. The resource of potential for good and meaningful living, not only for the present but also – and above all – for future generations, is found in a family. Family is the environment where one can find the option and resource of a free relationship to each other, dignity, trust and self-confidence.