Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia vol. 12 (2017)
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- PozycjaAirborne Laser Scanning and 20th Century Military Heritage in the Woodlands(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2017) Kobiałka, DawidThis paper discusses recent advancements in the context of modern conflict archaeology in the woodlands. One aspect of this development of archaeological research is a broad use and application of airborne laser scanning (ALS). Material remains of a forced labour camp and munitions depot in the forests around Gutowiec (Poland) known as Guttowitz 35 are used as a case study. After approaching prisoners’ memories concerning the site, the results of ALS combined with the outcomes of fieldwalking at the site are presented. This article tries to back up the following thesis: due to applications of non-invasive methods (e.g. ALS, fieldwalking), archaeology is able to offer a deeper understanding and contextualization of such sites as Guttowiec 35: a fresh insight into the materiality of conflict landscapes from the recent past in the woodlands.
- PozycjaApplication of GPR Survey in the Investigation of a Plane Crash from the Second World War(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2017) Pasterkiewicz, Wojciech; Rajchel, BernadetaThe article discusses the use of a ground-penetrating radar (GPR) for locating objects originating from the war period. It also presents the results of GPR research, showing the presence of a World War II aircraft wreck located in the subsurface layer in Krościenko Wyżne, Krosno County, Podkarpackie Voivodeship. Excavations carried out later have confirmed these surveys. The remains of the aircraft were documented in spots in which anomalies were indicated by the GPR. The conducted archaeological work made it possible to assess the effectiveness of the georadar technique.
- PozycjaBarrows from the Late Neolithic and Bronze Age in the Upper Dniester River Basin in Ukraine. Geophysical Research and Archaeological Verification(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2017) Makarowicz, Przemysław; Cwaliński, Mateusz; Niebieszczański, Jakub; Romaniszyn, JanThis article evaluates the potential of magnetometry to establish the internal structure of three mounds in the barrow cemetery of Bukivna in the Upper Dniester River Basin in Ukraine. We also evaluate the effects of geomorphological processes on the magnetometric results. The three-stage research method we applied comprises the preparation of a digital elevation model of the mounds, conducting geomagnetic surveys and, finally, targeted excavations, the latter enabling the verification of previously detected magnetic anomalies. In effect our studies show exceptionally complex geophysical anomalies, difficult to interpret with any certainty. In the peculiar case of the barrows 6 and 7 in group I, partly connected by an earthen mantle, the overlapping magnetic fields did not allow the two mounds to be distinguished from each other; it was possible to achieve only through subsequent excavations. In both barrows, a series of ritual and sepulchral structures were discovered that provided clear magnetic signals. The arrangement of the anomalies in the mound 1, group II, potentially reflects various aspects of the barrow’s structure and its state of preservation, beginning with postdepositional processes related to erosion or to the run-off of material down the slope, and ending with the mound’s stratigraphy, formed over the course of two phases. In turn, in the case of mounds 6 and 7, it can be assumed that the effects of these processes have been somewhat “suppressed” in the magnetometric image, due to the strong impact of the burnt wooden structures located underneath the features.
- PozycjaEditor’s note(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2017) Dębiec, Maciej; Pasterkiewicz, Wojciech
- PozycjaErased by the Plough, Spotted from the Air. Remains of Earthwork Sites from Silesia(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2017) Furmanek, Mirosław; Wroniecki, PiotrSince 2012 south-western Poland has been subject to regular aerial prospection campaigns that covered a vast area of the Upper Silesian, Lower Silesian and Opole regions. Eight surveys were conducted in with a total of 44 flight hours during late spring and summer dates. Their primary aim was the recognition of Neolithic and Early Bronze Age communities and landscapes. Additional photographic documentation of known and newly discovered features from other chronological periods was also obtained. The article presents a selection of data from five medieval settlements (Borucin site 2, Chrzelice site 1, Gniechowice site 1, Komorno site 1, Stary Zamek site 6), whose common feature is their nearly completely leveled earthworks, which makes the presented aerial imagery a basic source of information about them. The potential of remote sensing approaches in the case of quickly deteriorating archeological terrain forms, although not used frequently, has numerous advantages especially in contrary to the still favoured destructive excavation strategies. A visible intensification of archeological site destruction due to all-round development of urban and rural areas has affected all types of archeological sites – also those characterized (until relatively recently) by unique and complex earthwork remains. This situation requires an adaptation of new protection strategies, as well as alternative cognitive and methodical schemes. The case studies presented in this paper are a final wakeup call showcasing the scale of the ongoing, countrywide, systematic destruction of important yet unknown or poorly researched archeological sites. The remedy in our opinion is the recognition of non-invasive remote sensing and geophysical techniques as primary research methods as they allow defining crucial elements, such as form, size, layout, or functional interpretation.
- PozycjaField Survey Versus Excavation – Compatibility of Results Illustrated by the Example of Selected Sites from the A1 Motorway in the Włocławek Province, Poland(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2017) Pyzel, JoannaThis paper reconsiders the compatibility of results from survey and subsequent excavations as their verification: the issues of detection of sites and the reliability of estimations of their size as well as their dating including the relative visibility of separate chronological units based on surface material are discussed here. This is presented through the example of archaeological investigations conducted due to the construction of the A1 motorway route within the former Włocławek Voivodeship.
- PozycjaFrühe Slawen im Pyritzer Land. Deutsch-polnisches Forschungsprojekt 2010–2013(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2017) Messal, Sebastian; Rogalski, BartłomiejIm Fruhling 2010 wurden die folgenden Fundstellen fur geomagnetische Prospektionen ausgewahlt: Dziedzice, Kr. Myśliborz, Fndst. 4; Strąpie, Kr. Myśliborz, Fndst. 4; Moskorzyn, Kr. Stargard, Fndst. 16; Dobropole Pyrzyckie, Kr. Stargard, Fndst. 10 und 12; Suchań, Kr. Stargard, Fndst. 18 und Derczewo, Kr. Myśliborz, Fndst. 3. Alle Fundstellen, mit Ausnahme von Suchań, sind in der Dokumentation als fruhslawische Siedlungen charakterisiert. Aus Suchań stammen dagegen sehr interessante Funde der Volkerwanderungszeit, u.a. ein Goldschatz mit mehreren Brakteaten vom Typ C. Ein Ziel des deutsch-polnischen Projektes „Frühe Slawen im Pyritzer Land“ war eine absolute Datierung der beiden Besiedlungsphasen in der Region. Aufgrund der Ergebnisse der geomagnetischen Prospektionen in Dobropole Pyrzyckie Fpl. 12 sollten die erfassten Anomalien durch archaologische Untersuchungen verifiziert werden, um Erhaltungszustand, Datierung und vor allem Ansprache ausgewahlter, im Magnetogramm erkennbarer Anomalien zu klaren. Die Ausgrabung (zwei Schnitte: 50×10 m und 5×5 m) erbrachten insgesamt 37 archaologische Befunde. Die erste Siedlungsphase der Fundstelle wird durch zwei Wohngruben der Pommerschen Kultur (Phase HaD) charakterisiert. Der Grosteil der untersuchten Objekte (u.a. Wohn- und Speichergruben) kann der slawischen Besiedlung zugeordnet werden. Die in der Siedlung dominierenden unverzierten und handgemachten Gefase entsprechen den fruhslawischen Typen Sukow und Dziedzice.
- PozycjaGeophysical Survey and Archaeological Excavations at the Roman Period Cemetery in Nezabylice (Chomutov District, Northwest Bohemia)(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2017) Půlpánová-Reszczyńska, Agnieszka; Půlpán, Marek; Křivánek, RomanThis article presents the results of geophysical surveys, which were carried out during the period between 2011 and 2016 at the Roman period cemetery in Nezabylice (Chomutov district, Usti Region, NW Bohemia). Thanks to these non-destructive surveys, the unusually large scale and signs of the inner structure of the cemetery have been unveiled. On this basis, long-term systematic archaeological research has been carried out, so far uncovering a number of urn graves with military equipment, pit cremation graves, an elite inhumation grave, and several regular structures from Roman period. The results of the comprehensive research suggest that it is the largest and richest cemetery of the Roman period in northwest Bohemia. However, the site is gradually being devastated not only by cyclical agrarian activities but also by the impact of illegal plundering. Therefore, an important aspect of non-destructive surveys is the recording of the current state of the burial ground, the information value of which is gradually degrading.
- PozycjaInternational Colloquium. Beyond Excavation. Geophysics, Aerial Photography and the Use of Drones in Eastern and South-East European Archaeology, 5–8 December 2016, Piatra-Neamț, Romania(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2017) Preoteasa, ConstantinThe paper presents several data on the international colloquium organized in 5–8 December 2016 to the Cucuteni Eneolithic Art Museum of Piatra-Neamț (Romania) by a Romanian- German joint research team, having as topic non-invasive interdisciplinary archaeological researches, especially geophysical surveys and aerial photographs made with drones. On this occasion were presented results of the profile investigations made especially during the last years in various historical and civilization sites, by scientists of the prestigious museums, universities and academic institutions from Romania, Germany, Poland, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Hungary and Netherlands, through 22 presentations and 4 posters. These data are also included in the volume of abstracts of the event; currently the organizers are editing the volume with the proceedings of the colloquium.
- PozycjaKnowing Without Digging? Non-invasive Research of the Krzczonów Earthwork and its Surroundings(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2017) Wroniecki, Piotr; Brejcha, Roman; Sikora, JerzyThe topic of this paper is a non-invasive research case study of a protected monument mound in Krzczonów, Świętokrzyskie voivodeship in Lesser Poland. It explores the possibilities of noninvasive methodological approaches in the recognition of archaeological sources by asking whether it is possible to procure relevant information without conducting excavations. A new interpretation of the mound’s function and chronology is based on data derived from multimethod field surveys including remote sensing (satellite imagery, UAV, light aircraft, ALS), geophysical (magnetic gradiometry, earth resistance), total station measurements and analytical field walking prospection along with comparison of archival field-walking data. We would like to hypothesize that, contrary to the protected monument list, the Krzczonów earthwork is not a prehistoric feature but could be related to the end of 14th up to the beginning of the 16th century. In this case it could be understood as a remnant of a motte-type castle.
- PozycjaMemories of Recent Past. Objectives and Results of Non-invasive Archaeological Research Project at KL Plaszow Memorial Site(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2017) Karski, Kamil; Różycki, Sebastian; Schwarz, AleksanderDebate about the possibilities of using interdisciplinary methods in investigations of labor and concentration camps of world war two is well embedded. In this cases, the archaeology is a mixture of sub-disciplines like Combat Archaeology, War Archaeology and Interment Archaeology as well as a Public Archaeology. Field researches, especially non-invasives ones are common practices. In recent years numerous archeological research project has taken place. Some of them were prepared for the investment activities and design of memorials and new museums. The main purpose of documentation, surveys, and excavation of this kind of sites is a preservation of architectural relicts and landscape, but also a supplementing the historical knowledge by authentic archaeological sources. In this paper, authors decided to present the results of archaeological research project prepared in 2016 by The Historical Museum of the City of Kraków (MHK) and the investigations of Rabbinical Commission for Jewish Cemeteries in the area of labor and concentration camp Plaszow. The archeological documentation and investigations were combined with extensive research and study of memorial sites in Poland and Europe, which served as the basis for the scenario of the exhibition and commemoration of KL Plaszow as a future memorial site’s institution.
- PozycjaMichael Doneus, Die hinterlassene Landschaft – Prospektion und Interpretation in der Landschaftsarchäologie. Mitteilungen der Prähistorischen Kommission 78. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 2013, 400 pages, 217 figures(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2017) Becker, Valeska
- PozycjaProf. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Bernhard Hänsel (24/05/1937 – 01/04/2017)(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2017) Kadrow, Sławomir
- PozycjaRecent Magnetometric Researches at Zoltan, Covasna County. Some Observations Regarding the Limits and Inner Structure of the Noua Settlement in the Place Called “Nisipărie”(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2017) Popa, AlexandruPrevious field researches in the location called Zoltan-“Nisipărie” revealed a settlement with several different cultural layers, among which those of the Noua Culture seem to be dominant. Along the past years researchers have conducted both systematic archaeological diggings as well as geophysical researches. Through the scientific research presented in the following report we set out to highlight the limits and structure of the settlement with the help of magnetometry. The results we obtained allow us to outline the eastern limit of the intensely inhabited settlement. Judging by the magnetic anomalies we identified, we can speak about a large number of pits that stand at the basis of the archaeological structures found in the Noua settlement at Zoltan “Nisipărie”.
- Pozycja(review) M. Szmyt (ed.) 2016. „Biały Potok. Materials from Józef Kostrzewski’s Podolia Excavations” (= Bibliotheca Fontes Archaeologici Posnaniensis 19). Poznań: Archaeological Museum in Poznań; 526 pages(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2017) Kadrow, Sławomir
- PozycjaSome Results of the Geophysical Investigation at the Late Eneolithic Settlement of Gordineşti II-Stînca goală, Edineț District, Republic of Moldova(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2017) Przybyła, Marcin M.; Sîrbu, Ghenadie; Rybicka, Małgorzata; Król, Dariusz; Sîrbu, LiviaThe aim of this article is to present the latest results of geophysical researches executed in April 2017 at the site Gordineşti II-Stînca goală in northern part of the Republic of Moldova. Based on very intriguing discoveries (i.e. remains of a dwelling, part of a clay platform and one pit) during the excavations carried out in 2016 and earlier, it was decided to investigate a larger area using non-invasive geophysical method. As a result, a few types of anomalies of different shapes were identified. It seems that these anomalies indicate the occurrence of remains of the dwellings as well as hypothetical main square between them in the centre of this fortified settlement.
- PozycjaStraying from the Path of Research into the Magic and Funerary Rites of Early Medieval Slavs [Joanna Wawrzeniuk, Magia ochronna Słowian we wczesnym średniowieczu na ziemiach polskich (Slavic Protective Magic in the Early Middle Ages on Polish Territories), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, Warsaw 2016, pp. 517](Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2017) Dzik, Michał
- PozycjaTadeusz Wiśniewski (ed.) Klementowice. A Magdalenian site in eastern Poland, Institute of Archaeology Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Lublin, 2015, 346 pp.(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2017) Połtowicz-Bobak, Marta
- PozycjaThe Bronze Age Fortifications in Munar “Wolfsberg”, Arad County. The 2014 and 2017 Archaeological Researches(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2017) Sava, Victor; Gogâltan, FlorinIn spite that the Bronze Age site Munar “Wolfsberg” has been depicted on the Josephine topographic survey (late 18th century), the first scientific data focusing on this site occurs at the beginning of the 20th century. As “Wolfsberg” did not have the dimensions of the nearby prehistoric fortifications at Sântana and Corneşti, the site was not targeted by archaeological investigations and it has only been occasionally mentioned in the secondary literature so far. During the year 2014 a team of researchers have started the investigations with the site’s topographic survey, followed by a systematic ground survey, geophysical measurements, as well as aerial photographs. Three years later, a small test trench was excavated in order to attempt dating the Middle Bronze Age tell in terms of the absolute chronology.
- PozycjaThe First Chronometric Markings of the Late Stage of the LPC in the Northern Foreland of the Sandomierz Upland(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2017) Szeliga, MarcinThe article presents results of first radiocarbon analyses carried out for samples obtained from the Linear Pottery Culture settlement on site 6 in Tominy, Opatow district. Presented radiocarbon dates highly enrich current database of chronometric markings relating to the early Neolithic in the Sandomierz Upland and its northern foreland. Together with data on stylistic and typological differentiation of the vascular pottery, seem to reveal a specific course of development of local groups of the Linear Pottery Culture, which is characterized by particularly long term functioning of the music note ornamental traditions, as well as their late, little intense and retarded coexistence with the early-Želiezovce stylistic influences. These data are also a quite significant contribution both to the discussion on the overall time range of the Linear Pottery Culture, as well as the nature and course of the final stage of its development in the upper basin of the Vistula River.