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Pozycja „Tak chciałam, tak mogłam”. Modele tożsamości kobiet wiejskich w wybranych polskich popularnych powieściach historycznych w perspektywie (post)feministycznej(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2024) Zatorska, MatyldaThe aim of the article is to outline models of identity of rural women, the heroines of selected historical novels, and to answer the question of whether these works can be considered as fulfilling (post)feminist or feminist ideas. Research on the social role of women mainly refers to the functions they perform in society, their rights and obligations, and the expectations that the environment, especially in the context of traditional divisions of duties within the family and community, has towards them. The most important factors here will be marriage and women’s work, which in the past determined their position in the family and community space. As research material, I have chosen novels with a family saga character – Akuszerki (2022) by Sabina Jakubowska and the dylogy Saga o ludziach ziemi by Anna Fryczkowska.