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Pozycja Blog w kształceniu technicznym(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Ciesielka, Marta; Osmenda, Agata; Staśko, RenataW artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań zastosowania blogów w kształceniu technicznym. Przedstawiono analizę porównawczą blogów do zajęć technicznych, opinie nauczycieli blogujących oraz uczniów korzystających i niekorzystających z blogów.Pozycja Czechia-Bavaria and Cross-Border Possibilities of Cooperation at the Faculty of Education in the Technical Field(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Zadražilová, Alice; Simbartl, Petr; Krotký, JanThe article is focused on the cooperation between Czech and Bavarian faculties educating future teachers. The process of studying education in Bavaria is briefly introduced. By comparing the Bavarian way of educating teachers in Bavaria and in the Czech Republic, our view on the cooperation, which was from the geographical point of view suitable for further research cooperation for our faculty, is negative. The way of education is so different and it is not possible to expand our cooperation into a bigger dimension. For the future, the possibility is open just for very specific topics.Pozycja Didactics of Electrical Engineering and Its Components in the Context of Digitalization of Education(The University of Rzeszów Publishing House, 2023-12) Serafín, ČestmírDidactics is defined as the theory of education. It deals with the specific forms, procedures and goals of teaching that a teacher implements with his/her students. As such, it is an integral part of pedagogy. Since the forms, procedures and objectives of teaching vary in their specificity for the different fields, disciplines and subjects of education, this specificity is reflected in the disciplinary or subject didactics. The latter thus deal with the processes of teaching and learning with regard to subject-specificity and specificity. The article is thematically devoted to the area of subject or subject didactics, specifically didactics of electrical engineering, which is of particular importance for vocational technical education, as it forms a key part of it both in practice and in the preparation of teachers of such disciplines. The article also presents some of the results of the author’s research from recent years, which focuses specifically on the areas of modern technologies and their impact on the teaching process, especially in electrical engineering-oriented teaching subjects; tools for developing technical but also digital literacy are presented.Pozycja Digital Literacy Development Through New Technologies for Measuring and Data Mining(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Aichinger, Daniel; Krotký, Jan; Mach, PetrThe article is dedicated to the problematic of using new technologies at high schools and during the preparation of future teachers. It is focused on using thermometric measurements in various fields of technics. The main emphasis is placed on forming the measuring methodology and the data mining application. A special set for thermometric measurements is developed for the didactic application. The set respects the newest teaching methodologies.Pozycja Edukacja techniczna małych dzieci(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Jelinek, Jan AmosEdukacja techniczna małych dzieci jest archaiczna (Furmanek, 2007, s. 44–54) i wymaga diagnozy dla wypracowania nowych działań. 91% nauczycieli obserwuje duże zainteresowanie dzieci zajęciami technicznymi, jednak brakuje im pomysłów na proste doświadczenia, które rozwijałyby myślenie dzieci. Artykuł przedstawia wyniki ankiety przeprowadzonej wśród 2475 nauczycieli na temat trudności i motywów podejmowania się prowadzenia zajęć z techniki wśród dzieci.Pozycja Implementation of a Research-oriented Model of Learning in the Subject Technique in Lower Secondary Education with a Focus on the Cognitive Domain(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-12) Ďuriš, Milan; Kvasnová, PetraIn this paper, attention is paid to the inquiry-oriented model of students’ education in the subject Technique in lower secondary education. The proposed model reflects the long-term needs of students’ education in the subject Technique, which, in spite of the updated content of the curriculum in the Educational Standard of the subject Technique, have not yet been fulfilled. These issues are addressed within the KEGA project No. 006UMB-4/2022 in the years 2022–2024. The project is funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Slovak Republic. In the article we present basic information about the background, objectives, about the research team and the planned outputs of the problem.Pozycja Inquiry-based Approach in Technical Education(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Kožuchová, Mária; Dostál, JiříThe article is based on fundamental social-cognitive theories that are based on a natural way of cognition of the world. The research process itself (the formation of hypotheses and predictions and their subsequent verification, the formation of conclusions that are supported by the facts, generalization) contributes to a modification of preconcepts and the development of the specific cognitive abilities of students. Moreover, it is also a matter of the development of the willingness to cooperate, development of enthusiasm and interest in exploring of the world around them. The aim of the paper is to clarify the theoretical bases of the inquiry-based approach in technical education and didactic specifications of anchoring of the sequence of the educational steps in the technical education. In the empirical part, the article is focused on teachers’ competences to the realization of the inquiry-based instruction.Pozycja Interdisciplinary approach to technical education(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Krotký, Jan; Korytář, Jindřich; Simbartl, PetrThe authors introduce a realistic concept of innovation in teaching technical subjects at primary schools with regard to sustainable development of industrial society. The concept is based on the published results of an institutional survey carried within six organizations which are concerned with teaching the educational area of Man and the World of Work and preparing teachers for the area. The survey was conducted as a part of the project Erasmus +Activity 1, action strategic partnerships for school education no. 2015-1-SK01-KA201-008942 and as a training of the institute of informal way of teaching at Techmania Technology Center. The innovation is seen especially in interdisciplinary connections between subjects, implementation of new modern technologies in teaching and support of informal education.Pozycja Mapy myśli w nauczaniu techniki – analiza prac i opinii uczniów(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Ciesielka, MartaW artykule zaprezentowano zastosowanie map myśli w nauczaniu zajęć technicznych w szkole podstawowej i gimnazjum. Przedstawiono szczegółową analizę prac uczniów, jak również wyniki badań ankietowych prezentujących opinie uczniów dotyczące niniejszej metody.Pozycja Metodické materiály Centra edukácie a popularizácie techniky(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Pavelka, Jozef; Ńoltés, JaroslavSúĉasná moderná doba vyņaduje, aby sa v rámci vyuĉovacieho procesu vyuņívali aj netradiĉné metódy, postupy a prostriedky, ktoré dokáņu ņiakov aktivizovať a podporujú rozvoj ich logického, analytického a tvorivého myslenia. Táto ńtúdia prezentuje informácie o zriadení Centra edukácie a popularizácie techniky (CEPT), ktoré poskytuje ńkolám v jeho okolí moņnosť realizovať vzdelávacie aktivity osobitého zamerania.Pozycja Modelling Materials on the Primary School as the Element for an Improvement of Fine Motor Skills and a Support of Creativity(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Simbartl, PetrA work with the modelling material is incorporated in the framework education programme even for the nursery school and also for primary schools. The modelling material is incorporated there for the purpose of the output (managing the hand and eye coordination, managing the fine motor skills). The character of the material, incorporation of a working process, aids and tools for modelling is important in the primary school. Thanks to the characters of the modelling masses (material, variety of colours/colouring) are all these outputs fully supported. We deal with different types of modelling doughs and with their possibilities of the use in primary schools and with creativity testing of children.Pozycja Motivačná orientácia žiakov vo vzťahu k technickému vzdelávaniu na slovenských základných školách(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Stebila, JánV poslednom období sa v našej spoločnosti prejavila potreba zvyšovania záujmu o technické vzdelávanie. Odrazom tejto skutočnosti sú i reformné kroky zo strany MŠVVaŠ SR smerujúce k zmene cieľov, vzdelávacích obsahov a k celkovej modernizácii vlastného vyučovacieho procesu. Nakoľko sa tieto zmeny obsahovo dotkli predmetov Pracovné vyučovanie a predmetu Technika zameraných na technické vzdelávanie mladých ľudí, je možné očakávať, že zmeny inovovaného ŠVP sa pozitívne odrazia i v obsahoch jednotlivých predmetov. Inovovaný ŠVP schválený MŠVVaŠ SR v roku 2015 posilňuje v plnej miere výučbu prírodovedných predmetov a kladie väčší dôraz na technické vzdelávanie žiakov základných škôl. Upravuje ciele, obsah i časovú dotáciu v predmete Technika. V snahe prispieť k modernizácii vzdelávania sme chceli zistiť úroveň motivačnej orientácie žiakov súvisiacej s jednotlivými overovanými aktivitami pomocou počítačom podporovaného experimentu.Pozycja Odbornosť vyučovania techniky v základných školách na Slovensku(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Pavelka, JozefŠtúdia sumarizuje výsledky vybraných prieskumov, ktorých cieľom bolo analyzovať súčasný stav zabezpečenia odbornosti technického vzdelávania v základných školách na Slovensku. Poukazuje na možné príčiny tohto stavu a naznačuje riešenia pre budúce obdobie.Pozycja Overenie interaktívnej metódy P&E so zvýšeným dôrazom na učenie prostredníctvom problémových úloh a experimentovania(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Stebila, JánV praktickej časti článku sme navrhli a vytvorili inovatívnu metódu (metódu P&E) tak, aby sa ňou zabezpečilo zvýšenie didaktickej efektívnosti vyučovania. Takto spracované inovatívne metódy sme aplikovali v didaktickom systéme s použitím (aj) multimediálnej techniky, spolu so spracovanými materiálmi ich overili a porovnali v praxi. Očakávaním bolo zlepšenie výkonu v prvých troch oblastiach Niemierkovej taxonómie (zapamätania, porozumenia, špecifického transferu) a aktívneho učenia sa žiakov nižšieho stredného vzdelávania prostredníctvom aplikácie nových metód do obsahu vyučovacieho predmetu Technika.Pozycja Renewal Plan and Reform State Educational Programme in Relation to the Perspective of Technical Education in Primary Schools in Slovakia(The University of Rzeszów Publishing House, 2023-12) Pavelka, JozefThe study is based on selected parts of the Renewal Plan – Component 7: Education for the 21st Century, outlining the main aims and objectives of curriculum reform for primary and secondary education in Slovakia. The reform is set to be fully implemented from 2026. In relation to the aims and objectives of the curriculum reform, the study presents analytical conclusions regarding possible problem areas related to technical education in primary schools.Pozycja Technical Subjects and Their Popularity in Context of Technical Education Support(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2021) Fadrhonc, Jan; Honzíková, JarmilaConsidering the great social demand for qualified technically oriented workers, it is necessary to develop the interest in technical fields. The article introduces research focused on mapping the current situation of (non)interest of primary-school students in technical fields and especially verification of whether the (non)interest is linked to the popularity of technically oriented subjects at primary schools. Primary schools in the Czech Republic involve pupils at the age of 6–15. The reasons, why technically oriented subjects are not popular, will be evaluated to provide possible solutions.Pozycja Technické vzdelávanie v kontexte vplyvu faktorov na priebeh edukačného procesu(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Depešová, JanaPotreby spoločnosti a požiadavky doby sa nepretržite menia a inovujú. Snaha získať čo najviac informácií, osvojenia si vedomostí potrebných na výkon budúceho povolania a niesť zodpovednosť za svoje rozhodovanie sa očakáva od budúcich učiteľov technickej výchovy, ktorí sú podľa nášho názoru a skúseností pripravení na riešenie pedagogických situácií a pripravení zabezpečiť technickú gramotnosť mládeže a jej správny vzťah k technike. Príspevok je orientovaný na definovanie faktorov, ktoré významne ovplyvňujú edukačný proces. Celkovú klímu procesu vzdelávania vytvárajú nie len pedagogicko-didaktickéa organizačné faktory edukácie, ale aj faktory prostredia, v ktorom sa vzdelávací proces realizuje.Pozycja The Importance of the Multimedia Cognitive Learning Theory for Teaching of Technical Subjects(The University of Rzeszów Publishing House, 2023-12) Litecká, Juliána; Mitaľová, ZuzanaThe paper deals with the current requirements and direction of technical education within the framework of the curricular reform in Slovakia and its transition from education to student learning. The theoretical study approximates Mayer’s theory of multimedia education in relation to the causes of cognitive overload, on the basis of which the principles of multimedia design were specified, which we consider crucial for the effective starter of changes in technical education.Pozycja The level of students technical knowledge – survey results(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Noga, Henryk; Depešová, Jana; Nesterak, Tomasz; Kučerka, DanielThe necessity of the universal technical education of the youth, understood as providing them with the basis for technical culture, is a consequence of a widespread and still growing importance of technology in all domains of contemporary life. In the face of modern technical culture requirements, present day education cannot be limited to acquiring manual skills. It should at the same time ensure gaining basic technical knowledge and developing technical thinking and interests [Depešová 2011: 51–57; Piecuch 2008]. Children and teenagers should be prepared to receive and apply technical knowledge in everyday life. The grounds for that are laid by school, but it should be accompanied by other cultural and educational institutions, and by family [Depešová, Knych, Noga 2014: 59–64; Furmanek 2006: 33–48; Hrmo, Kundratowa, Tinakova 2005]. Forming children’s and teenagers’ technical interests is a matter of the utmost importance. Hence the necessity to coordinate the efforts of all educators in order to encourage students to acquire knowledge independently and to take an active part in an educational process organised by school. Such a process requires from students the practical usage of mental work methods. The knowledge about technology should systematically be updated because of a dynamic scientific and technical development or due to new technologies. This study shows selected survey results of students’ technical knowledge on three different educational stages in Poland [Hašková, Pisoňová, Bitterová 2011; Kozík, Depešová 2007; Nazar 1973].Pozycja The Use of Non-System Components of Construction Sets(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Krotký, Jan; Karpíńková, Pavla; Král, JanThe authors deal with an extension and modification of construction kits in order to create a simple tool for assessing the level of creativity according to the products made by pupils. The article describes a modified construction set – a creative set, divided into system and non-system parts. In the context of the product design, the use of non-system parts indicates the pupil‟s creativity performance. The creative set was tested out on a sample of 62 elementary school pupils. Subsequently, the authors put the products to analyse.