Przeglądanie według Temat "taboo"
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Pozycja An inquiry into the influence of age, gender and education on the perception of the offensiveness of swear words in Polish and English(Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, 2022-07-19) Mormol, Paulina JadwigaNiniejsza praca stanowi wieloaspektowe, kontrastywne studium wulgaryzmów i przekleństw w języku polskim i angielskim. Zasadnicze pytanie badawcze stawiane w pracy brzmi: czy i jak wiek, płeć i poziom wykształcenia wplywają na postrzeganie obraźliwości wulgaryzmów w języku polskim i angielskim? Celem drugorzędnym było przedstawienie różnic w percepcji wybranych przekleństw i wulgaryzmów w języku polskim i angielskim pod kątem ich różnych zastosowań i funkcjonalności. Materiał badawczy został pozyskany za pomocą sodażu diagnostycznego i uzupełniony danymi pochodzącymi z różnorodnych źródeł o charakterze leksykograficznym. Tym samym, rozprawa jest studium kotrastywnym, czerpiącym głównie z metodologii badań socjolingwistycznych, jak i opracowań o charakterze semantycznym. Praca składa się z 5 rozdziałów, omawiających kolejno: teoretyczne aspekty przeklinania ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem kluczowej terminologii i taksonomii, rolę tabu (w tym tabu językowego) w procesie tworzenia wulgaryzmów i przekleństw, socjolingwistyczne aspekty przeklinania w języku polskim i angielskim, leksykalny zakres wulgaryzmów i przekleństw wybranych do analizy oraz wyniki badań sondażowych badających percepcję obraźliwości polskich i angielskich wulgaryzmów i przekleństw. Pracę zamyka sekcja poświęcona weryfikacji stawianych hipotez oraz wnioskom płynącym z badań.Pozycja Bez znieczulenia. O trudnych relacjach rodzinnych. Kaja Malanowska Patrz na mnie, Klaro(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Maroszczuk, GrażynaContemporary prose frequently deals with ‘family martyrdom’. The heroines of Kaja Malanowska’s 'Patrz na mnie, Klaro' obsessively return to their difficult family past. Inherited strain turns into other idiosyncrasies. Grażyna Maroszczuk’s sketch entitled ‘Without anaesthesia. On difficult family relations. Kaja Malanowka Patrz na mnie Klaro’ focuses on the analysis of women’s entanglements that are still alive, though acquired in the past. Experiences from childhood become the matrix for reading the world in adulthood. On the other hand – according to Stephen M. Johnson’s 'Humanizing the Narcissistic Style' – one may say that we fail to dispose of the behaviours that are an integral part of our culture, which is contrary to life and which puts achievements above pleasure, status above love and appearances above reality. It puts the heroines of the above-mentioned novels in an oppressive situation in which a contemporary woman is forced to reconcile a career and intellectual ambitions with family life.Pozycja Metaphorical Euphemistic Expressions of Heaven and Hell in Middle English with Special Reference to the “Canterbury Tales”(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Wawrzyniak, AgnieszkaThe paper presents an analysis of various kinds of circuitous metaphorical expressions related to deities and devils in Middle English with special reference to “The Canterbury Tales”. In other words, the subject of the study will be taboo areas and euphemistic expressions that pertained to God, Saints, angels, Heaven, but also to their opposites, namely to devils and Hell. The paper will approach in detail the lexemes from various categories that contributed to the emergence of new, indirect expressions, such as LIGHT, DARKNESS, DARK PLACES, PLACES, ANIMALS, and TITLES. One of the analyzed categories will be the category of LIGHT. The words that will be viewed as the building blocks for the range of euphemisms will be light, bright and fair. The paper will show that the lexemes from the category of LIGHT created euphemisms for the divinity, as well as oxymora for the imminent evil. The euphemistic expressions associated with LIGHT will be also discussed in detail with regard to their metaphorical status. Moreover, the aim of the analytical part will be also to focus on a variety of euphemisms, the detailed cognitive study of the metaphorical concepts that constituted euphemisms, as well as on the beliefs that constituted the foundation for the emergence of such indirect expressions.Pozycja Próba demitologizacji. O Jak zostałem pisarzem Andrzeja Stasiuka(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2024) Hanik, KatarzynaThe aim of this article is to show that the strategy of demythologizing one’s own experiences applied by Stasiuk in his autobiography entitled Jak zostałem pisarzem constitutes a ‘play on taboos’. To this end, the author analyses the narrative strategies manifested within the writer’s autobiographical statements, especially those that trivialize and demythologize events that were constituting a kind of ‘generational experience’ for Stasiuk’s generation. Such a strategy of portraying oneself proves to be a kind of ‘play on taboos’, which in this case can be defined as a certain imperative of portraying ‘the experience of basic military service’ and ‘the experience of underground activity’ in People's Republic of Poland.Pozycja Proza Katarzyny Tubylewicz(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Boczkowska, MagdalenaThe paper entitled ‘The prose of Katarzyna Tubylewicz’ is dedicated to the co-authoress of the anthology of the short stories 'Jestem mamą – zbiór prawdziwych historii o macierzyństwie', and the authoress of two novels: 'Własne miejsca' (2005) and 'Rówieśniczki' (2014), who some critics would like to see as the reviver of the so-called 'prose of the centre'. The authoress of the article analyses the above-mentioned novels referring to – among other things – a discussion which took place in ‘Gazeta Wyborcza’, and which had been initiated by the famous manifesto entitled ‘Alice Munro would not stand a chance here’. Its authors demand that the literary critics should enter into a dialogue with popular literature and dispose of the misconception that literature written by women is worse. They are also for the revival of 'the prose of the centre', which – in their opinion – since Tokarczuk’s 'Prawiek i inne czasy' has been missing.Pozycja Stosunki polsko-żydowskie na przykładzie powieści Dybuk Marka Świerczka (perspektywa antropologiczna)(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Dul-Kuźniar, MagdalenaThe paper aims at discussing the novel 'Dybuk' and contrasting it – in the anthropological perspective – with both its historical and sociological contexts. Świerczek’s novel is set in Poland immediately after the Second World War and it focuses on the problems which afflicted both Poles and Jews. Furthermore, we focus the reader’s attention on the ambiguity with which history was judged after the war – according to Świerczek, it is impossible to judge the postwar reality and interpret the facts connected with this period as ‘the only right ones’. Świerczek creates characters and events on the basis of oppositions: good vs. evil, black vs. white, but he allows a number of characters and their fates to speak out. Nevertheless, the final judgment is left to the reader.Pozycja Współczesna manekinka. O bohaterce Zaplecza Marty Syrwid(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Fąfara, BożenaMarta Syrwid’s writing enters into subjects which are perceived as taboo. Anorexia, namely striving for unattainable perfection of the body, is such a ‘forbidden’ motif of the novel entitled "Zaplecze". This problem is connected with a lack of acceptance from loved ones which results in both physical and mental emaciation of the novel’s narrator. Syrwid alludes to the motif of a mannequin, in particular a she-mannequin which has been present in literature for centuries. It is fitting to add that the subject of her writing is clearly associated with the model of female writing. Undoubtedly, the value of the interpreted novel arises out of its topicality and tackling of social problems which are usually marginalized.