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Pozycja Approaching the concept of social economy in the CR through the prism of social work – reality and perspective(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Danihelková, EsterOne part of the current discourse of Czech social work is the issue of “marketisation” and the so-called “quasi-market” in the sphere of social services. Social economy, as a part of the national economy, represents an action field for further development of the social work profession. In a wider context, this topic relates to the search for identity of the social work profession in the postmodern society which imposes new requirements and challenges for social work. From its very beginning, social work has been expected to provide protection against the social exclusion of clients and their re-integration into society. Employment is the important element in social integration. Castel suggests: It is increasingly more illusory for social work with the new conditions aimed at integration of its clients into society. In the society in which we live, the fundamental prerequisite for permanent integration is a full-valued job, i.e. something which is actually missing and which cannot be provided by social work itself (Castel 2010: 152). Social work now finds itself in a nonenviable situation as it can no longer rely on the integration that was once massively provided by the labour market and social insurance. The role of social work hitherto has been the fine-tuning of integration in individuals with various disabilities and disadvantages. Nowadays, social work is supposed to apply the same tools to cope with the integration of large groups of people who have been condemned by the labour market to live in uncertainty, while the welfare state has fewer resources to secure these people against the increasing job and life uncertainty (Keller 2010). Unlike social work, the social economy endeavours to optimise the processes associated with increasing poverty, social exclusion, and the impact of a globalised market in becoming a legitimate part of the market as well as civil society through the activisation and stimulation of citizens to self-help and community-service activities. The priority of the social economy is employment of socially excluded persons or those vulnerable to social exclusion (Hunčová 2006). Persistent unemployment, the need for a reduction in the national budget deficit, and maintaining the deficit at low levels are all factors which cause difficulties for conventional social policy and social work. This raises the question to what extent the social economy can contribute to the solution to these problems and whether or not it can assume the role of the public authorities and institutions in certain areas of interest (Borzaga, Defourny 2001). The objective of this document is to analyse the current status of the Czech social economy and social firms. Czech social economy has been gradually defined in its form and researched from the bottom. The initial point of the analysis is formed by the outputs of the project Thematic network for the development of social economy in the Czech Republic. The analysis also includes a description of the current state of social firms in terms of legislation and finances. The conclusion presents several recommendations for the social policy actors in relation to the development of social enterprise in the Czech Republic.Pozycja Dotacje jednostek samorządowych dla organizacji pożytku publicznego na realizację zadań pomocy społecznej- zakres ujawnianej informacji(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Waniak-Michalak, HalinaThe purpose of the article is to present the scope of disclosed information on public grants for the implementation of the social welfare tasks carried out by public benefit organizations (PBOs). The information should be presented in the reports of public finance sector units and public benefit organizations. Research carried out by the author using content analysis method exposed the inconsistency of the disclosed information and a shortage of detailed information.Pozycja Działania profilaktyczne w pracy socjalnej(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Papier, MałgorzataCelem pracy jest ukazanie znaczenia profilaktyki w rozwiązywaniu aktualnych problemów społecznych. W części pierwszej zdefiniowano pojęcie profilaktyki, zwrócono także uwagę na genezę działań zapobiegawczych w kontekście pedagogiki społecznej. W kolejnych punktach opisana została specyfika pracy socjalnej, jej miejsca w pedagogice społecznej, a także znaczenie profilaktyki społecznej dla zapobiegania zjawiskom patologii społecznej. Praca ta sygnalizuje rosnące znaczenie zapobiegania w działaniach pracy socjalnej, wskazuje także na wspólny przedmiot działań.Pozycja Interdisciplinary approach in social problem solving(Jan Evangelista Purkyne University in Usti nad Labem, 2016) Pesatova, Ilona; Szluz, Beata; Walawender, PawełInterdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach in social problems solving is the unifying element of the monograph aimed at organizing the proce ss of support, training and mobilization of individuals and groups in their environment and, finally, at improving the quality of common social life. This is discussed in the context of transformation of the society in three nearby countries — Poland, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. Contemporary scientific findings are presented with accent to the multidisciplinary approach and broad interdisciplinary cooperation that uniquely opens the way in forward direction. The monograph is intended for a wide community of experts in academic world as well as for governmental and nongovernmental organisations. Furthermore, students in humanities and social science fields as well as volunteers and nonprofessional public might find it useful.Throughout the mono graph, an emphasis is laid on linking social welfare, health care and education. There are accented both interdisciplinary cooperation and supporting systems that help to integrate and mobilize individuals and groups in risk of exclusion or marginalization. The contemporary situation is prefaced by the rich tradition of social movements, solidarity and local communities and NGOs development. Authors reflect the change in approach to volunteering that participates in solving various social problems Practical recommendations that are included in the conclusions of contributions point to the major role played by the partnership and cross-sectoral cooperation of partners involved in finding solutions of thorny social problems.The socio-cultural level of each society might be, inter alia, measured and evaluated by the range of care given to its citizens with disabilities. This monograph is a tangible proof of the interest and effort given to the delivery of standard care to all individuals who need certain form of help or support.This monograph is dedicated to the memory of prof. PhDr. Anna Tokárová, CSc., for her contribution to the development of social pedagogy and social work.Pozycja Methods of Detection and Assessment of Legal Capacity(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Yashchuk, Sergiy; Melnyk, Andrii; Hladyshev, SerhiiIn order to determine the initial level of formation of professional and legal competence of the future social workers were used methods adapted by the author “Motivation of professional activity” by Zamfyr (Рамендик, 2013, p. 123) (in modification of Rean), which gave us the opportunity to diagnose the students‟ motivation for professional activity. It is based on the concept of internal and external motivation. We can talk about the internal type of motivation if the activity in itself is significant for the individual. And if in the basis of professional activity motivation lies the aspiration to satisfy other needs (in particular, reasons of social prestige, salary, etc.), in this case we can talk about the external motivation. External motives differentiated on external positive and external negative.Pozycja Opportunities for development of social work in Czech schools(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Matulayova, Tatiana; Pešatová, Ilona; Michalova, ZdenkaAnalysis of the relevant Czech legislation in the area of education system demonstrates that there are no legislative prerequisites for establishing the position of school social worker (Pešatová, Matulayová 2013). At present, there are no institutions of tertiary education system in the Czech Republic which would prepare and train the social workers for being a specialist in the school environment. There are social workers employed in the school sector, yet their job description covers administration rather than assistance provided in a professional manner. It can be concluded, that the profession of school social work is unrecognised in this system. There are several causes of the current state which appears unsatisfactory from the perspective of social work. One of them is the fact that the counselling system at schools was built in the 1970’s. Those days, due to ideology, social work was no longer institutionalised as a profession in the Czech society. Thus, the counselling system was built as a space for providing services of specialised pedagogical and psychological profession.Pozycja Pomoc społeczna i praca socjalna w Ukrainie – historia i współczesność(Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej w Warszawie, 2023) Myshchyshyn, Iryna; Szluz, BeataCelem badaczek jest zobrazowanie historii i współczesnych wyzwań w polu pomocy społecznej i pracy socjalnej w Ukrainie. Pierwsza część artykułu uka zuje rys historyczny i rozwój systemu pomocy społecznej oraz pracy socjalnej w tym państwie. Druga część, oparta na analizie dostępnych dokumentów koncepcyjnych i strategicznych, ma na celu przedstawienie polityki państwa w zakresie rozwijania systemu pomocy społecznej oraz pracy socjalnej, ze zwróceniem uwagi na intensyfikację w zakresie usług społecznych.Pozycja Praca socjalna w starzejącym się społeczeństwie(UMCS, 2016) Szluz, BeataZmiany demograficzne i proces starzenia się społeczeństwa będą miały wpływ na indywidualne wybory w ciągu całego życia, strukturę rodziny i wiele instytucji społecznych. Praca socjalna może kierować profesjonalne wsparcie do osób starszych i ich rodzin. Autorka ukazuje wyzwania dla pracy socjalnej oraz wybrane propozycje rozwiązań.Pozycja Ukrainian model of cooperation between social education and social works(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Behal, Onysya MykilaivnaThe articles provides philosophic analysis of the core of social works as the component of educational and up-bringing process. The author researched the nature and the function of it, its role in the formation of outlook culture of modern youth as students. The author also observes the cooperation between social work and social education on the example of Ukrainian model. The author investigated conditions and means of organic combination of social work and educational and up-bringing process.Pozycja What can social work seek and find in the area of civil society?(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Gojová, VendulaFrom the changes which have occurred in society roughly over the last four decades, and the associated problems of development (Dahrendorf 1991; Esping-Andersen 2002; Giddens 2004; Keller 2009; Keller 2011) we can select the following phenomena in regard to the topic of this text – (1) people are constrained in their possibilities to ensure their own existence, (2) the globalised market increasingly meets the needs of communities less. We can identify various reactions and recommendations as to this state of society and the related crisis of the welfare state. One of the solution strategies may oscillate between proposals by Rosanvallon (Keller 2009) and Giddens (2004). It means solutions developed in a parallel way in the civil society space, in a space which should be close to social work. In the first part of this text we will try to discuss what in this area seems to be important for social work as an agent of social change. Of main importance is the second part which suggests the possible inter-disciplinary collaboration of social work and social entrepreneurship, which could support the potential of civil society. All this aims at answering the question of whether social work could use ideas of social entrepreneurship, resting exactly on this potential, to achieve its goals. And if so, what form its intervention might take.Pozycja Współczesna praca socjalna – towarzyszenie przez służbę(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Duda, MałgorzataCzęsto słyszymy, że praca socjalna to nie tylko zawód, ale i służba na rzecz osób, które doświadczają kryzysów życiowych. Związane są z nią oczekiwania w pełni profesjonalnych usług, ale też dużej empatii wobec klientów. Równocześnie coraz częściej pracownicy socjalni wskazują na trudności pogodzenia tych – często rozbieżnych – wymagań. Pośród przyczyn można wymienić uwarunkowania wynikające z procesów wychowawczych w rodzinach, szczególnie w obszarze transmisji pokoleniowej związanej z przekazem istotnych norm i wartości. Zarówno sami pracownicy socjalni, jak i społeczeństwo stawiają pytanie o to, kim powinien być współczesny pracownik socjalny i jemu podobni. Przyjmowane standardy usług w pomocy społecznej nie rozstrzygają tych kwestii – metody czy techniki działania to zbyt mało. W każdym działaniu pojawia się bowiem konkretny człowiek ze swoimi odmiennymi problemami. Rzeczywistość ta domaga się całościowego spojrzenia: w wymiarze materialnym i duchowym; z uwzględnieniem doświadczeń osobniczych, jak i kontekstu społecznego. Takie podejście stanowi niewątpliwie o specyfice tego zawodu. Służyć drugiemu pomocą to nie to samo, co być służącym, a towarzyszenie to nie wyręczanie. Podjęte kwestie wpisują się w szeroką dyskusję na temat granic profesjonalizacji w perspektywie zawodowej odpowiedzialności etycznej. W artykule uwzględniono wyniki sondażu przeprowadzonego pośród studentów ostatnich lat kierunku praca socjalna i nauki o rodzinie jednego z uniwersytetów krakowskich na temat preferowanych wartości, istotnych dla ich życia osobistego oraz aktywności zawodowej pracowników socjalnych.