Dydaktyka Polonistyczna
URI dla tego Zbioruhttp://repozytorium.ur.edu.pl/handle/item/3574
Pismo ukazuje się od wielu lat, stanowi kontynuację pisma wydawanego od 1965 roku w Wyższej Szkole Pedagogicznej w Rzeszowie, a następnie od 2001 roku w Uniwersytecie Rzeszowskim. Na łamach tego rocznika publikowano teksty poświęcone zagadnieniom nauczania języka polskiego na wszystkich poziomach kształcenia, problemom wychowania dzieci i młodzieży, komentowano zmiany w programach nauczania, reformy polskiej szkoły. „Dydaktyka” stanowiła miejsce, w którym zamieszczali swoje teksty zarówno nauczyciele akademiccy, jak i doświadczeni nauczyciele języka polskiego.
Od numeru 10 (87) pismo zmieniło swój tytuł i zaczęło ukazywać się jako „Dydaktyka Polonistyczna”. Zmiana tytułu pisma oznacza także rozszerzenie jego formuły. Zależy nam, by stało się ono miejscem naukowych dyskusji o polskiej szkole, nauczaniu języka polskiego nie tylko w kraju, ale także za granicą, podpowiadało nowe rozwiązania metodyczne i było miejscem wymiany doświadczeń badawczych. Interesują nas tematy dotyczące literatury, języka, szeroko pojętej kultury, a więc wszystkie zakresy, które służą nauczaniu i kształtowaniu postaw młodego pokolenia.
Zajmuje nas również problem kształcenia studentów polonistyki, przyszłych nauczycieli i tych, którzy nie wiążą swej przyszłości z zawodem nauczyciela polonisty. Pragniemy na łamach naszego pisma odnotowywać i komentować nowości wydawnicze, a także ważne dla środowiska naukowego i dydaktycznego inicjatywy i wydarzenia.
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Pozycja Jerzy Nowosielski – „Maestro od marzenia”(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Stark, KatarzynaThe paper presents Jerzy Nowosielski – the outstanding Polish painter and professor of the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków. It was the artist who called himself ”Maestro of dreams”. Nowosielski is still present in the memories of his disciples as a charismatic teacher. In his didactic work he was not only a master of painting but first of all the spiritual pattern impressing the students with his versatile interdisciplinary knowledge. This knowledge determined the unique character of his creative activity shared with the students.Pozycja Gry polityczne z tekstami literackimi Romana Bratnego w polskich czasopismach społeczno-kulturalnych z lat osiemdziesiątych XX wieku(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Magryś, RomanThe article “Political games with literary texts by Roman Bratny in Polish social and cultural magazines of the 1980s” (Gry polityczne z tekstami literackimi Romana Bratnego w polskich czasopismach społeczno-kulturalnych z lat osiemdziesiątych XX wieku) is of a literature-specialist and political science character. It also contains the opinion on using literary works by Bratny in the ideological battle conducted by Polish Marxists and related groups against political opposition in the social and cultural weeklies of the 1980s. The battle had various stages. It began with a view to discrediting dissidents and patriotic activists totally, but it finished with conciliatory steps towards them and a proposal of political compromise, beneficial for Marxists though. Reviews of the texts by Bratny, to be found in “government” press, show the process of moderating the government’s attitude to democratic opposition as well as their desire to establish a constructive dialogue in the late stage of the Polish People’s Republic.Pozycja Outsiderzy poszukujący sensu życia (Mury Hebronu, Biały kruk, Przez rzekę, Dziewięć, Taksim)(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Kwolek, JustynaIn the adumbration titled “Outsiders looking for the meaning of life”, the author shall present several groups of selected characters portrayed in the prose by Andrzej Stasiuk. Among the discussed groups one finds prisoners described in Mury Hebronu, wanderers accounted for in Biały Kruk and Taksim, femme fatales portrayed in the storybook titled Przez rzekę, as well as tragic heroes illustrated in the novel Dziewięć. All these characters might be said to stay in some kind of relationship because they share the overwhelming feeling of alienation – either by choice or due to the rejection from the society – and they all struggle to find any deep meaning in human life in the senseless surrounding world, but – unfortunately – the fail. The feeling of loneliness, alienation and the existential fear are the features which might be used to portray all the characters of the aforementioned prose.Pozycja „Byłaś moim niebem"…, czyli o miłości, która nie umiera(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Karkut, DorotaIn the review a book of Barbara Litwicka You were my heaven was discussed. Issues brought up by the author are providing readers with not only the entertainment and the relaxation, but above all provoking reflection. They are determining the axiological and existential perspective, encouraging to empathic reading. This is one of the books which through the composition, genre and creations of the main characters open up various interpretative proposals, associations and discussions.Pozycja Historyczny i współczesny językowo-kulturowy obraz stolic Polski na łamach czasopisma „Kumpel”(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Bortliczek, MałgorzataThe paper, being based on the subject matter designed for the receiver who is between six and ten years old, attempts to reconstruct the linguistic and cultural picture of the capital cities in Poland. The picture is recorded in the common sense as the national and cultural inheritance and popularised in the magazine entitled “Kumpel”. The analysis has been based on the texts (mini-reportages) describing three capitals and identified with them characters, events and monuments. The paper subsequently follows the composition of the chronological political and administrative changes: Gniezno, Kraków, Warszawa, and discusses etymological inquiries and cultural and linguistic connotations related to the events in the past, rarely the modern ones, which are presented to Polish small child by an editorial staff. History described in the magazine belongs to the standardised set of news and resources, which should be learned at the certain stage of development by every member of cultural community.Pozycja Doświadczenie Krzyża w świadectwach poetyckich(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Kogut, JoannaNowadays the cross themeappears in wideculturalcontext. It ischarasterized by enormousrichness of form and content. The cross is one of the oldestsymbols of humanity. However, todayitsoriginalmeaningseems to be forgotten. It isoftenseen as ornament, art work, religious symbol. Nevertheless, for manypeopleitisexpression of humanexperiencesmarked by stigma of suffering. The presentpaperisanattempt to catchtheseexperiences and show them by analysis of religiouspoetry. The imagery of cross insideitenablesus to getjust a little bit closer to the mysteryexperience in the poetry. Contemporarypoetry was considered by the prism of canonicmysticalpoetryexpressed in John’s of the cross poetry, whoseoutput was diligentlyanalyzed by Edith Stein and Karol Wojtyla (Pope John Paul II). Thatiswhyfollowing the path, in order to catch the deeperlayer of the meaning of the topic, the phenomenologicalinterpretation was used. Stein claimsthatthisintepretationmayallowus to empathize and catchthis, whatiselusive, whatisjustimpossible for humanunderstanding, but becomesanopportunityitself.Pozycja „Choć znałam tę rzekę tylko z wysokiego mostu, pozostanie dla mnie czymś najlepszym, co może być” – kresowe retrospekcje w twórczości Teresy Lubkiewicz-Urbanowicz(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Dybisz, ErwinaThe paper tackles the theme of retrospection in the works of Teresa Lubkiewicz-Urbanowicz, based on her short story „Dzitwa” from the collection of short stories „Babskie Nasienie”. Vilnius Region was presented as a land where the author returns in a physical and metaphorical sense. Rakuciniszki – “the little homeland” – is a symbolic place for Teresa Lubkiewicz-Urbanowicz, and it was also described as such by the author. The nature and sensual perception play a special role in the narrative. The origin of the work should be considered the desire to define one’s identity, the search for answers to existential questions, as well as the need to consolidate the Eastern borderland area.Pozycja Nauka argumentacji – kształcenie krytycznego myślenia(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Cybulska-Wal, AlinaIn this article, Alina Cybulska-Wal addresses the role of argumentation and language in learning. She examine how generate insights about students’ abilities and needs related to argumentation. Author claims that teaching argumentation is teaching critical thinking. She also provides key ingredients necessary to strenghten argumentation in classroom, the features of argumentation (claims, evidence/grounds, reasoning/justification) and criteria helpful to assess a certian argument.Pozycja Konkurs Sienkiewiczowski 2016 – refleksje po sukcesie(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Czarnik, Mirosław; Froń, AgataThe articles deals with the methods of working with a talented student during preparations for contests and competitions. This is not a guide explaining, step by step, the methodology of preparations for contests and competitions. The author concentrates on reflections based upon experience and emphasizes the importance of correlation between a student and a teacher, and a student and a school. The article also includes Agata Froń’s essay awarded in Konkurs Sienkiewiczowski in 2016. Agata Froń is a student of Liceum Ogólnokształcące w Strzyżowie.Pozycja Rozdźwięki i współbrzmienia, czyli o naturze i kulturze w prozie Andrzeja Stasiuka(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Setlak, WiesławAndrzej Stasiuk as an author of „travel” prose is equally strongly immersed in nature and culture. His narration is dominated by descriptions of nature. Man drawing both from nature and culture is important in his works. Stasiuk, an artist inevitably entangled in culture, sees an opportunity for self-fulfillment in nature understood as a more general notion than just natural environment. However, he does not pursue the „state of nature” – inculturation does not allow him to do it. Thus, he seeks a compromise consisting in „being” in „culture” while staying close to nature. The author’s quest resemble the struggle of a nomad roaming some geographical space for a purpose. The same thing happens when the writer tries to find a place for himself in the megaspace of nature and culture using the power of the mind and imagination. This type of activity is by geopoetics attributed to a socalled nomadological subject. It seems that the main thesis of Stasiuk’s literary anthropology is a conviction that man lives on the border of nature and culture where his existence can be authentic despite certain antagonisms. In other words, consona is possible despite dissonance. It is all about proportion. Andrzej Stasiuk in his prose seems to be close to defining this very state of affairs.Pozycja W sieci szkolnych gatunków (auto)prezentacyjnych. W poszukiwaniu prototypu(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Grzegórzek, MirosławThe article is an attempt to outline the cognitively understood web of school genres used for self-presentation. The author is trying to answer the question of which genre takes the place of the prototype model centre and what relations occur between the genres within the web. The starting point for the literary genetics traversing in the linguistic-didactic perspective was the theory of self-presentation as well as both school and extracurricular texts that pursue specified genre patterns. The prototype is a pattern, the exemplary model of something. On the basis of the comparative studies on school genres used for self-presentation and with the help of metaphorical categories of self-presentation gene and the genotype the self-presentation genre it has been concluded that the prototype of the self-presentational genre at school is self-characteristics.Pozycja O ciszy i milczeniu w piosenkach rockowych(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Barnaś, PaulinaThe article in its introductory part outlines the history of rock music in Poland and presents the tools to be used in the analysis of the lyrics of rock songs, which the author carries out in the main body of the paper. Selected rock songs of Polish music groups from the 1960s to the 1980s are analysed with reference to the motif of silence present in them and to its functionality in connection with the musical arrangements.Pozycja Aksjologiczny wymiar kobiecości w poezji Stanisława Grochowiaka(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Pacion, MariuszThe article raises the subject of female motive in Stanisław Grochowiak’s poetry. Female element in the work of the representative of 56 generation is marked positively – in contrast to masculine one. The poet’s high voluating of woman is closely connected with the war escalation in 20th century. According to Grochowiak, it proclaims that civilisation based on patriarchal system sufferd its defeat. The only hope for humanity resugrence is just related to a woman. The author says that she is the host of such values as love and wisedom – and her fertility and protectiveness are opposite to the death. The crisis of European civilisation caused by two world wars has its overtone in philosophic idea of Erich Fromm. He abstracted two tendencies in human’s behaviour: biophilotic - - directed at life and necrophilotic – aimed at death. Fromm similarly to Grochowiak found the reason for the twentieth-century hecatomb in human nature, in this what is typical of man and patriarchal society. Both Grochowiak’s and Fromm’s diagnoses are paralel but at the same time independent, that is why we can say that they are complementary to each other in seeking the explanation for traumatic war events and the hope for human’s future.Pozycja Kompetencje tekstotwórcze w nauczaniu języka polskiego jako obcego na poziomie B2 i C1 (na przykładzie tekstu argumentacyjnego)(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Mazur, ElżbietaThe article focuses on language skill development in the process of teaching Polish as a second language based on the example of an argumentative essay. It also includes theoretical remarks on the text-making competences of those learning Polish to the B2 and C1 levels, whilst a scenario proposed in the practical part of the article demonstrates how to combine exercises from different skill groups during classes, i.e. writing and speaking, reading and listening. What is more, it presents selected techniques of teaching Polish as a second language.Pozycja Piękno, rozkosz, nieśmiertelność, czyli co fascynuje współczesną młodzież w powieściach o tematyce wampirycznej?(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Godos, AnnaThe aim of this article is to show elements which fascinate today young people in the vampire novels. The base of the considerations are three initial components – beauty, pleasure and immortality. Each of them is supported by examples from three series of literature: “Twilight” by Stephenie Meyer, “Vampire Academy” by Richelle Mead and “House of Night” by P. C. and Kristin Cast. The article also takes into consideration derivatives of each factors, as love and death. All components were discussed in relation to youth’s emotional development by searching their own way and values to follow them.Pozycja Zeszyt kontaktów jako narzędzie komunikacji szkolnej(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Szczerbińska, BarbaraThe most important features in education process are effective communication, exchange of informations between school and parents about student’s progress, organizational and tutelary- educational matters. The subject of article considers speculations about structure, style and pragmatic aspect of inscriptions put in issue notebook as the matter of communication between teacher and the student’s family home. Four notebooks, which were shared by the parents for the purposes of this research paper, were elaborately analysed. To the fore of interaction between the teacher and student’s home environment come such forms of linguistic behaviours which may be considered as complaints, questions or requests. Some of them sound like charges, regrets over one’s behaviour and proceeding. Parents also occur in the role of the sender- they write justifications or excusals from classes if needed. The most common forms of language are in official and elevated style.Pozycja Jak „czytać” dzieło sztuki plastycznej?(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Steliga, AnnaEducation through art is one of the most important and necessary forms of knowledge and human experience. A work of art is a result of the creator’s artistic activity, an objectification of his design and it includes a series of activities. This article discusses the core curriculum for the subject of fine arts, the basic categories of fine arts’ works, and also presents examples of analyses of painting artworks.Pozycja Jak uczyć o Holokauście w szkole ponadgimnazjalnej?(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Kotelnicka, BeataThis text concerns the issue of the Holocaust discussed in didactic perspectives: goals, methods of work in a high school and set books. General issues are explained in a didactic project based on filmed witness account (Rachel Nussbaum)and referred to cultural texts discussed in a high school. Teacher will find here resources required for a lesson related to the Holocaust (texts, list of tasks, worksheets, scheme of ghetto in Rzeszow) with some tips how to use them. The aim of the Holocaust class is to structure ethically appropriate comportment of a young generation.Pozycja O różnych obliczach sławy Henryka Sienkiewicza na lekcjach języka polskiego (wybrane propozycje)(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Rusin, JoannaThe article is divided into two parts. In the first part, based on the memories of several people and on the writer’s letters, the most well-known and surprising manifestations of Sienkiewicz’s popularity were recalled. In the second part, critical statements were quoted, from Brzozowski, to Gombrowicz and Miłosz. The above suggestions can be used in the work of a Polish teacher during classes and extramural classes.Pozycja Poloniści wobec charakterystyki postaci. Rekonesans badawczy(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Grzegórzek, MirosławThe article presents the outcome of a pilot survey carried out among Polish teachers of different educational stages, considering a figure’s characteristics as a school form of statement. Through both the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the gathered empirical material the author tries to define the place of a figure’s characteristics of scholastic activities, searching for the answer to such questions as: how do teachers perceive the usefulness of the relevant genre outside the sphere of the school communication? What methods do they use in their work with this form of statement in connection with its determined didactic aims? In which direction should the possible changes in approach to characterising at school go? It is all for the sake of the work during the lessons with the use of the genre, so it would serve the development of the young people’ subjectivity and respond to the challenges of modern interpersonal relations.