Nierówności społeczne a wzrost gospodarczy z. 28 (2012)
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- PozycjaDeterminants of Regional Development in the Context of the Globalization Process(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2012) Tsekouras, YannisThe paper deals with factors of regional development that appear in the conditions of globalization. After defining special features of region as a concept, the author discusses both traditional and modern determinants of development and indicates a role of socio-economic policy in new conditions. As growing international interdependence of markets, businesses and nations influence competitiveness and growth, “glocalization” is pointed out as a main determinant of modern developmental policy.
- PozycjaSocio-Economic Determinants of Regional Development in the EU-25(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2012) Matuszczak, AnnaThis article attempts to assess the level of development of 122 regions of the EU-25, separated in accordance with the methodology FADN. There was made an assessment on the economic and social progress and using the regression model influencing the level of development, measured in terms of income per capita in the region. In the analysis of factors influencing the different levels of regional development method was used based on the reduction of space by analyzing multitrait principal components.
- PozycjaSocial Inequality, Human Capital and Economic Growth in OECD Countries. Synthesis(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2012) Woźniak, Michał Gabriel; Jabłoński, ŁukaszThe aim of the paper is the statistical analysis of economic growth, human capital and inequality, which are disaggregated into activating and frustrating inequalities. The research was conducted on the OECD-countries during 1994–2008. The article consists of presenting the findings from the endogenous growth theory referring to the human capital impact on the income inequality, and findings from the empirical research between economic growth and income inequality. The following parts present disaggregated nature of inequality, i.e. activating, which foster economic growth and frustrating that mitigate the economic growth. The essential part of the paper is the empirical analysis of the relations between inequality, human capital and economic growth in the OECD countries. The conducted research provide strong arguments for anticipating the two natures of the inequalities in the economic growth research. The results of the calculations are not enough strong basis for producing findings about the relations between the economic categories concerned. However, it is justified to emphasize that human capital fosters the activating inequality and mitigates frustrating inequality. Thus, the activating inequality fosters economic growth and frustrating one limits the rate of economic growth.
- PozycjaStructural Changes within the Service Sector Employment in EU – Convergence or Divergence?(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2012) Cyrek, MagdalenaThe study deals with the problems of structural changes in employment within the service sector. The research covers European Union in a period 2000–2010.The classification of services into classical, financial and business, and welfare is adopted. The structural changes are investigated under the question about the convergence or divergence between EU countries. A special attention is paid to Poland.
- PozycjaEuropean Integration and its Influence on Regional Development and Competitiveness of Poland(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2012) Rytko, AnnaThe regional integration of the Central European and Eastern countries performed the large part in the formation of economic growth which actually began together with the transformation. However, the greater growth rate of economic can be observed within a period of membership, and these countries significantly reduced their distance to partners from the Western Europe. The competitive position has significantly improved after the year 2004, not only in the case of Poland, but also other East and Central Europe countries. Summing up, the conducted analysis allowed formulating the following conclusions: • Poland and Slovakia quickly overcame differences in the level of development; however, they have still had the high unemployment rate. In Poland, an increasing deficit of the current account can be perceived as a large threat. • The Czech Republic is the most stabilized economy with a low risk of economic activities. It results from the historic phenomena – the country had the relatively good start with the relatively high level of the development among socialist states and did not have to catch up so significantly as the three other countries of the Visegrad Group. • Hungary, despite of indicators pointing the higher level of economic development than Poland and smaller imbalances of development among “old” Member States, is characterized by a lower rate of changes proving a lower competitive positions of this country. The negatively evaluated internal situation worsened conditions of Hungarian development and Hungary from the second position in 2000 were found on the last position in 2010.
- PozycjaThe Role of Economic Diplomacy in Enhancing National Competitiveness(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2012) Czarnecka-Gallas, MartaThe paper aims at presenting the issues of economic diplomacy from economic perspective within competitiveness framework. The author combines two separately existing in the literature theoretical frameworks in order to obtain a new model of economic diplomacy. In the paper the thesis stating that economic diplomacy has been underused and limited only to macroeconomic factors of national competitiveness is discussed. The postulate of economic diplomacy to operate in close relations to micro factors of national competitiveness in order to contribute to country’s higher competitive position is proposed. Theoretical concept presented may serve both academics and policy makers as the reference point in their analysis, further empirical research and diplomatic strategy building. The novelty of the approach presented is competitiveness related model of economic diplomacy applied on both macro and micro-economic levels.
- PozycjaChanges in European Cohesion Policy – New Opportunities and Threats for the Regions(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2012) Słupińska, MonikaEuropean Commission proposals for the programming period 2014–2020 introduce a number of changes to the current model of policy implementation. The new policy is supposed to be more oriented towards achieving results, subjected to a greater extent the use of conditionality mechanisms and simplification in the implementation of projects financed by EU funds. European Commission’s proposals also strengthen the role of regions in the effective implementation of cohesion policy. Regions’ active role will emerge in the development of partnership agreements, defining the content and implementation of operational programs or in participation in the establishment of a joint action plan.
- PozycjaExpenditure and Trend in State Aid for Regional Development in the European Union in the Years 2004–2010(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2012) Rutkiewicz, KrzysztofThis paper discusses the issue of state aid for regional development granted in EU in 2004–2010. It provides a general overview of state aid levels and the most important objectives supported by Member States. The article consists of 5 parts including: 1) explanatory of state aid concept in the EU competition policy; 2) image of the structure and total amount of aid using empirical data in absolute and relative terms; 3) analysis of the trend in aid for horizontal and sectoral objectives; 4) insight into the structure and average amount of aid granted by Member States for regional development; 5) investigation of a number of decisions on regional development aid relating to EU countries and issued by Commission.
- PozycjaTrap of the Monetary Union – Consequences for the EU Cohesion Policy and Other Social and Political Effects(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2012) Grosse, Tomasz GrzegorzThe European currency was created too early, that is without adequate deepening of political integration of the Old Continent. This is how the system of common currency became an „developmental trap” for the peripheral countries. Defective institutional structure of the euro zone proved to be also a „trap” for the central states in times of crisis. Costs and economic risk in the Euroland (that are increasingly affecting the central states) are growing exponentially. In this article I present major consequences for EU Cohesion Policy as well as other political and economic outcomes of euro zone crisis.
- PozycjaEffects of the Global Financial Crisis in Banking System of Kosovo in Comparison to the Banking System of Romania(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2012) Badivuku-Pantina, Myrvete; Borza, MioaraFinancial crises are neither a new nor an unknown phenomenon. They often occurred over the recent centuries, one after another, creating the impression that no one wanted to learn to draw the appropriate conclusions as to the causes of their occurrence and consequences, often disastrous for countries, continents or the entire globe. Effects of the 2007 financial crisis, which originally broke in the USA, continue to have impact even today not only in the country where it broke first. Its extension in almost all developed countries seems to have revealed all the negative consequences of globalization, where the dependence of economies on one another would cause the domino effect affecting all the countries. Finances of the world were shocked and rapid fluctuations were reflected in the stock. Despite the fact that the global financial crisis has not hit directly Kosovo, its economy indirectly has felt the effect of the crisis. The purpose of this research is to assess the implications of the global financial crisis in the banking system of Kosovo, and also to identify measures that the Central Bank and the Government should undertake in order to protect the economy from external implications. This research also will compare the impact of global financial crisis in the banking system of Kosovo with the one of Romania, as a country which has a larger coverage than Kosovo in the international financial markets.
- PozycjaImportance of Globalization Process and Its Impacts on Turkish Economy(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2012) Mirac, AltuntaşGlobalization is the most important tool of the economy planning on international scale in a manner consistent and occurring in the integrated world economy. Factors effecting economy also effects globalization. In this context, it is difficult to give a single definition of globalization. The simplest form of globalization is gradual increase of communication and interaction between the communities living on the Earth, within the framework of interdependence. Globalization is not a new concept. Especially after World War II, more than one country tried to be the best not only in term of the economic also in political area. Therefore, many undeveloped and developing countries became a potential market for those powerful countries. In this study, the importance of globalization process and its effects on Turkey’s economy are investigated. Turkey is greatly influenced by the globalization process. Turkey’s strategic location is one of the most important reasons for this influence. Turkey embraces two continents, one arm reaching out to Asia, the other to Europe. Turkey hosts many civilizations, which has both positive and negative impacts on the country’s economy. In 1980, Turkey has undergone a fundamental structural change to ensure compliance with the world economy and economic globalization. Protectionist economic structure has become freer, export was more encouraged than import, foreign trade, currency, interest, and capital accounts were liberalized. In today’s economy, globalization is gaining momentum with trade volume increasing.
- PozycjaThe Role of Regional Development Agencies in Turkey(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2012) Hüsnüoğlu, Nadide; Altınel, EzgiRegional development agencies can be characterised as semi-autonomous organisations that, in a multi functional and integrated manner, support economic development primarily through ‘soft’ means of policy, such as the provision of advice to SMEs inducing networking and learning. These agencies are implemented in EU and many other countries and leading organizations in development. Establishing regional development agencies in Turkey started with the effect of the process of joining EU. The main role that is imposed to these agencies are to guide the regional development and revive the regional economy. These agencies are in a position that is motivating development in these regions. In this study we excamined what roles RDAs are expected to play as part of the state’s organisational structure and policy programmes, versus a role as a self-sustaining strategic and/or operational agent and broker in particular regional settings. Whilst theories such as ‘new regionalism’ suggest that RDAs can lead integrated, bottom-up regional development actions, it is questionable whether Turkish RDAs have the capacity to adapt to the type of role that proponents of this approach expect.
- PozycjaNational Welfare Increment as the Imperative Institutional Determinant of Regional Systems’ Development in the Innovative Processes’ Globalization Context(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2012) Aleshin, Valery; Lazareva, ElenaIn the article innovation-reproductive and rent-generating function of national welfare is exposed, complex analysis of the results of system parametristic indication of the strategy of national welfare development in the regional innovation economic growth interests on the author’s set of instruments ground is conducted.
- PozycjaNew Model of Regional Reindustrialization and Development of Public-Private Partnerships. The Case Study For Serbia(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2012) Adzic, Sofija; Adzic, JasminkaThe main objective of this paper is to find good solutions for the development of public-private partnership in function of constituting frames for long-term sustainable reindustrialization of Serbia. The main hypothesis of this paper is that the implementation of each specific project of development of public-private partnership must be derived from the concept of developing a good business environment for the export business in accordance with the specific regional, subregional and local resources and specific capabilities to their development and assuring in future. In this context, the paper is divided into three parts. In the first part, the emphasis is on determining the basic settings (determinants) on which should build the specific models of publicprivate partnership in realization of regional strategies of reindustrialization in accordance with the basic concepts of theory and practice of endogenous development. The second part deals with the problems and controversies regarding the role of public-private partnership in the implementation of revitalization strategies of inherited industrial districts and industrial centers in the function of territorial cohesion development. In the third part of the paper, the focus is on determining the regional frame for intensification of the mechanism of public-private partnerships as a basis for building a new model of public management and private sector management in function to increase the effectiveness of regional and local industrial policies.
- PozycjaMakroekonomiczne uwarunkowania rozwoju przedsiębiorczości w krajach EŚW i UE-15 w latach 2005–2010 na podstawie analizy zmian wybranych wskaźników życia gospodarczego(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2012) Kola-Bezka, MariaW latach 2005–2010 do wspólnych dla EŚW i UE-15 wyzwań rozwojowych przedsiębiorczości zdeterminowanych sytuacją światowego systemu gospodarczego należały: obserwowane od 2008 r. (a w przypadku niektórych krajów nawet od 2007 r.) spowolnienie lub ujemna dynamika wzrostu PKB i związany z tym wzrost bezrobocia oraz spadek zatrudnienia, a także powiększający się deficyt finansów publicznych. W latach 2005–2010 w większości krajów EŚW, w odróżnieniu od UE-15, znacząco wzrosły wydatki na badania i rozwój per capita. EŚW charakteryzowała się również przeciętnie większą, niż UE-15 dynamiką wzrostu realnej produktywności pracy. Dla krajów EŚW charakterystyczne było także zdecydowane zmniejszenie deficytów na rachunkach obrotów bieżących lub nawet pojawienie się nadwyżek.
- PozycjaGlobalizacja a możliwości rozwoju regionów(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2012) Nesterowicz, RenataWspółczesny świat podlega nieustannym zmianom. Zmiany te mają charakter dynamiczny pod wpływem zachodzących procesów. Są to procesy: społeczne, gospodarcze, polityczne i kulturowe, z których każdy jest poddawany działaniu procesu globalizacji. Globalizacja to proces zacieśniania się więzów współzależności, w szczególności pomiędzy przedsiębiorstwami globalnymi oraz proces zwiększania dynamiki międzynarodowych przepływów gospodarczych i wzrostu współzależności państw i rynków. Procesy globalizacji bardzo silnie oddziałują na poszczególne regiony kraju. Integracja regionalna przybiera postać mniej lub bardziej ścisłych i zinstytucjonalizowanych związków, charakteryzuje się wzajemnym przeplataniem współpracy gospodarczej.
- PozycjaThe Relationship between Intellectual Capital and Development of Regions(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2012) Wosiek, MałgorzataThe fundamental problem concerning the analysis of intellectual capital influence on developmental processes is connected with its multidimensional and multilevel aspect – its resources are grounded in various functions, structures, technologies located at various levels of the system (citizens, organisations, regions, nation). The current developed models and assessment methods, based on regression and correlation analyses reduce the intricate and dynamic system to linear dependencies. Consequently, the study carried out on the basis of those models features a limited opportunity to demonstrate a real influence of intellectual capital on economic development. A strong interdependence between the level of GDP per capita and and intellectual capital endowment of Polish region exposes an important perspective of analyses and developmental processes programming. Pro-developmental influence of intellectual capital indicates that the development of these capital resources should gain more extensive recognition in planned territorial development strategies. It becomes necessary to adopt a subject orientation in this capital development scenarios.
- PozycjaJakość kapitału ludzkiego jako jeden z endogenicznych czynników rozwoju regionu na przykładzie województwa lubuskiego(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2012) Lubimow-Burzyńska, IwonaWe współczesnej gospodarce następuje wzrost znaczenia gospodarki opartej na wiedzy, gdzie mniejsze znaczenie ma sfera produkcji dóbr, a większe wytwarzanie oraz przetwarzanie danych i informacji oraz zarządzanie nimi. Doprowadza to do stałego powiększania się znaczenia kapitału ludzkiego w gospodarce. Przez wielu badaczy kapitał ludzki jest określany jako priorytetowy czynnik endogeniczny rozwoju regionu. Pomiędzy poszczególnymi województwami w Polsce występują znaczące różnice w poziomie rozwoju regionalnego, a kluczowym czynnikiem kształtującym ten poziom jest kapitał ludzki, co w bezpośredni sposób związane jest z rozwojem gospodarki opartej na wiedzy i kreowaniem procesów innowacyjnych. W badaniach nad kapitałem ludzkim zdecydowanie największy nacisk kładzie się na analizy struktur demograficznych oraz ocenę poziomu edukacji i jakości wykształcenia. Do kolejnych elementów wpływających na rozwój oraz jakość kapitału ludzkiego zalicza się ponadto rozwój nauki, który z kolei wpływa na budowę przewag konkurencyjnych regionów i wzrost innowacyjności w gospodarce lokalnej. Analizy dotyczą też wskaźników, którymi można ocenić stan zdrowia ludności i poziom dobrobytu. W artykule dokonano próby oceny jakości kapitału ludzkiego w oparciu o wyżej wymienione elementy.
- PozycjaQuality of Educational Services as a Determinant of Regional Economy Development(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2012) Hermaniuk, TomaszContemporary socio-economic environment puts higher demands of university graduates. In addition, common access to education at the university level, a large number of entities competing for acquisition candidates and the growing expectations of current and future students make it becomes increasingly important to offer educational services at the high level of quality. To meet these circumstances, universities are reaching for professional marketing and quality assurance tools. In order to match the offer to the customer’s requirements, it is necessary to carry out a systematic measurement of expectations and the extent of their current implementation. Powerful tool, useful in the diagnosis of this condition is the SERVQUAL method, the main idea of which focuses on comparing the customer’s expectations with services received. As a result of this comparison, it becomes possible to identify major gaps and disparities in relation to the expected values and received by the customer. The article presents the results of the research on the satisfaction level of students of the Faculty of Economics, University of Rzeszow carried out using the method of SERVQUAL.
- PozycjaContribution of Universities to Regional Development(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2012) Murzyn, DorotaKnowledge and innovation are of paramount importance in creating the development process. Higher education institutions, according to the concepts of knowledge economy and human capital, play an important role in boosting the region’s creativity and creative change. The triple helix model emphasizes the role of universities as one of three actors (along with government and business), which affect the functioning of the region. A platform for partnership between the three communities: the regional authorities, academia and business are the Regional Innovation Strategies. The activities of universities in the innovation economy and the links with regional systems of innovation may be supported by the EU Structural Funds. Reducing the innovation deficit between European regions is a key task for the Cohesion Policy. The EU Structural Funds are the main source of funding for the purposes of the Regional Innovation Strategies. This article aims to study the impact of projects implemented by the universities of Eastern Poland, co-financed by the EU funds, on the innovation of the region. A well-functioning network of links and cooperation between public authorities, scientific institutions and businesses is needed in order to create regions of knowledge and innovation. Only such a structure supported by different sources of funding is likely to succeed and thus create competitive and innovative area.