Materiały i Sprawozdania Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego T. 38 (2017)
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Pozycja Ceramika kultury pucharów lejkowatych w kontekście grupy Brynzeny kultury trypolskiej na przykładzie osiedli w Brynzenach-Cygance i Żwańcu(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2017) Bicbaev, Viaceslav; Jakubenko, Olena; Rybicka, Małgorzata; Verteletskyi, DmitroThe problems of imports from the Funnel Beaker culture identified in the environment of the Brynzeny group of the Tripolye culture, repeatedly described in the literature (V.S. Titov, V.I. Markevič 1974; T. Movša 1985; M. Videiko 2000, 2001), is one of the major issues necessary to discuss in the context of relationships between the Funnel Beaker culture and Tripolye culture.Pozycja Stylistyka ceramiki grupy wschodniej kultury amfor kulistych – ujęcie strukturalne(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2017) Sieradzka, ElżbietaIn the classical approach presented by Marzena Szmyt, statistical analysis of the ceramic style of the eastern group of Globular Amphora Culture was based on detailed classification of ornaments and their co-occurrence within grave inventories. This paper introduces an alternative proposition, focusing on structural analysis of decoration of vessels. Additionally, in order to show the distribution of stylistic features among the graves, some elements of the network analysis were implemented.Pozycja From the research on clay processing and the use of pottery products among the population of the Lusatian culture in the Lublin region(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2017) Kłosińska, Elżbieta M.In the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age pottery making was among the most important branches of domestic production. In the Lublin region there were numerous deposits of clay from which this raw material was extracted and then underwent special processing. Various techniques were developed in the course of making pottery vessels and creating other clay items. Pottery production was done by members of respective families, and high importance in this regard is attributed to women. Traditional technological processes were replicated and there were local peculiarities when it comes to the forms and ornamentation of the products. It is likely that for both the potter and the users of his/her products the implementation of magical actions when working with clay was important.Pozycja Z badań nad znaleziskami brązowych sierpów z guzkiem na Lubelszczyźnie i na terenach ościennych(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2017) Kłosińska, Elżbieta M.; Orzeł, Jolanta; Sadowski, SylwesterThe subject of the article is the selection of finds of knob-sickles, recently uncovered in the south-eastern border of the Lublin region. The sickles come from the Middle and Younger Bronze Age, and their provenance can be linked with the territories on the Dniester River. Sickles are multifunctional tools. They were used as harvesting tools, commodity money, a source of bronze raw material, and cult accessories.Pozycja Szpile w tarnobrzeskiej kulturze łużyckiej. Przyczynek do badań nad ich związkiem z wiekiem i płcią oraz rozważania na temat pojawienia się żelaza(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2017) Rajpold, WojciechThe purpose of the text below is an attempt to present changes in the distribution of bronze and iron pins in the area occupied by the population of the Tarnobrzeg Lusatian culture. Based on these changes, an issue of iron will be investigated. Pins are the only objects in the Tarnobrzeg Lusatian culture TLC, which were made on a larger scale from both bronze and iron. Therefore, considering this issue in terms of settlement archaeology, as well as a view at its cultural conditions, it may provide interesting information about the changes introduced by the appearance of iron. In the course of the research the division of pins into individual subgroups was made and the relationship between the type of these pins together with their size in the light of age and gender of the deceased was analyzed. The article will discuss both the issues of changes that were caused by the appearance of iron, and the relationship of the pins with age and the gender of their users.Pozycja On the relations between burial types and a level of development of the society(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2017) Grechko, Denis S.There are main forms of the funeral ceremony of indigenous population of Central and East European Forest-Steppe of the Bronze Age and the Scythian period which have been marked out in the article. The ways of treating the dead were different. The body could be buried in the ground and burial mounds within the territory of settlements (in household buildings and special graves). The bones of dead could be left in the settlement area on exposure. The forest-steppe population followed a tradition of forefathers which was expressed in worship of human remains.Pozycja Stratyfikacja społeczna ludności prawobrzeżnego leśnostepowego Podnieprza okresu Scytii klasycznej (2. poł. VI–IV/III w. p.n.e.)(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2017) Burghardt, MarcinThe article discusses the issue regarding the reconstruction of social structure of the early Scythian populations from the forest-steppe area of the Dnieper river, in the period between the second half of 6th–4th/3rd century BC, on the basis of funeral materials. As a result of the analysis of the most important elements of burial rites implemented by the discussed population groups, and based on records of ancient authors (The Histories by Herodotus), it has been established that the most valuable sources are the size and complexity of the funerary structure and covering embankment as well as quantitative and qualitative diversity of included inventory. The classification developed on the basis of 198 burials, by means of statistical inference methods, has led to the separation of several classes of graves that can be combined with different social strata. These layers included nomadic higher spheres (leaders of local communities, leaders of “military teams” and tribal aristocracy) and elites of local settled tribes, average members of the population divided into its wealthy representatives and the so-called “simple Scythians” and lower layers of (“the poor”) and people with limited rights (domestic slaves?).Pozycja Zubowice, pow. zamojski, stan. 1 – brązowa situla z grobu kultury przeworskiej świadectwem kontaktów wzdłuż tzw. „szlaku bastarneńskiego”?(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2017) Bochnak, Tomasz; Opielowska-Nowak, ZuzannaIn the spring of 1975, a bronze vessel covered with a clay bowl, an example of Przeworsk culture crematory burial, was found north of the town of Zubowice. The burial also contained fragments of a K-type fibula (according to J. Kostrzewski’s classification), three rivets resembling those of shield umbo, the shaft of the pole spear, and possibly the spearhead, which is missing. Bronze situla from Zubowice belongs to a group of hybrids combining the traditions of La Tène and Roman cultures. Such hybrids probably originated in the newly established Roman provinces. However, it cannot be ruled out that some of them were imitations made outside the Roman territories. It is possible that the Zubowice situla authenticates the influx of bronze vessels from the Romanised Celtic environment through the areas occupied by the Poieneşti-Lucăşeuca culture, associated with the ancient people of Bastarnae.Pozycja Zabytki z wczesnośredniowiecznych cmentarzysk z grobami w obudowach kamiennych pochodzące z badań Nikolaja P. Awenariusa(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2017) Dzik, MichałThe aim of this paper is putting into scientific circulation archaeological finds from eight early medieval burial grounds with graves in stonesettings, from the area of Podlaskie Voivodeship (norh-eastern Poland). The finds come from excavations conducted by Russian researcher Nikolai Avenarius in 1887 and 1888. For a long time his collection, which is kept in the State Historical Museum in Moscow, has been considered to be lost. This is the reason why despite of that 130 years had passed since N. Avenarius’ excavations, hardly any information about his collection can be found in archaeological literature.Pozycja Wielowymiarowe analizy statystyczne jako narzędzie do podziału typologicznego form naczyń na przykładzie wczesnośredniowiecznej ceramiki z Wiślicy(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2017) Glińska, NinaThe article presents the formal diversity of the Early Medieval vessels from Wiślica. The vessels were described by means of proportions of dimensions and stylistic features, treated as nominal variables, which became the basis for statistical analysis (cluster analysis and principal components analysis). The measurement scheme is presented in figure 2. Based on the obtained results, vessels have been divided into 8 types. The first four ones included pots with a S-shaped profile. Other types consist of vessels with one, more visible element, i.e.: there are vessels with a cylindrical neck in type V, vessels with a long, straight neck, with a strongly flaring rim in type VI, vessels with an angular connection between the neck and the body, marked with a fault are included in type VII, and double-conical vessels are in type VIII. What is more, an attempt has also been made to trace the relative chronology of pottery vessel types, based on stratigraphic relations observed at the sites, where they were excavated. In the case of vessels type VI-VIII, it allowed us to determine their most probable period of occurrence. Other vessels belong to long-lasting forms.Pozycja Przedpaństwowy gród w Garbowie i jego zaplecze osadnicze. Zarys problematyki(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2017) Rozwałka, Andrzej; Mączka, Grzegorz; Niedźwiadek, RafałThe article presents the results of research on the remains of an Early Medieval (eighth – tenth centuries) tribal fortified settlement in Garbów, Lublin voivodeship and its settlement facilities in the area within a radius of 15 km from the settlement centre. Based on the theory of “territory exploited by the settlement”, the authors make attempts to reconstruct elementary settlement communities and their economic activity within a radius of 1 and 2 km. In addition, they indicate natural conditions of the settlement and the role of the centre (a fortified settlement) in the defence system of the settlement area.Pozycja Materiały neolityczne i z epoki brązu z Bieszczadów Wysokich. Odkrycia z 2016 roku(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2017) Pelisiak, AndrzejThe surface surveys carried out in 2016 in the High Bieszczady Mts. were focused of the massifs of Połonina Caryńska, Połonina Wetlińska, Wielka and Mała Rawka, Wielki and Mały Dział and on the region Wetlina-Moczarne. Field works resulted in discovery of 29 new archaeological sites. Except one of them all the sites come from Neolithic and Early Bronze Age. They are located in various landscapes, first of all on the high altitude Sub-Alpine zones (1000–1300 m a.s.l.). The discovered sites confirms mountain transhumance practiced in the High Bieszczady Mts. during the Neolithic and Bronze Age.Pozycja Нові пам'ятки трипільської культури з північно-західного краю Мізоцького кряжу на Волинській Височині(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2017) Вертелецький, Дмитро Ю.; Бардецький, Андрій Б.The article presents materials coming from the newly uncovered sites of Tripoli culture from the Mizoc'ka Range of the West Volhynia, grouped within four zones. Ceramics from the researched settlements reveal elements characteristic for the Horiv-Nowomalin type and the Gordineśty group, whereas as for flint artefacts there are products and waste fragments made of easily accessible, local raw material.Pozycja Wyniki badań archeologicznych na cmentarzysku z późnego neolitu w Sadowiu koło Opatowa(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2017) Pasterkiewicz, WojciechThis article aims at presenting the results of two research seasons carried out at site 23 in Sadowie, Opatów district. The remains of the cemetery were discovered in this place accidentally by one of the inhabitants during agricultural work. The area of 2.5 ares has been uncovered so far, and 10 graves have been discovered and exploited including, among others, human and animal graves affiliated to the Globular Amphora culture. Moreover, a single niche grave typical for the Złota culture has been also uncovered.Pozycja Pierwsze sprawozdanie z weryfikacyjnych badań na grodzisku z wczesnej epoki żelaza w Chotyńcu(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2017) Czopek, Sylwester; Trybała-Zawiślak, Katarzyna; Tokarczyk, Tomasz; Ocadryga-Tokarczyk, Ewelina; Burghardt, Marcin; Adamik-Proksa, Joanna; Rajpold, WojciechThe article presents the results of the trial excavations carried out in 2016 at the fortified settlement in Chotyniec, Jarosław district. It is an object which has been known and mentioned in archaeological literature for a long, but without its precise chronological affiliation, due to the lack of excavations. However, it was most often combined with the Middle Ages. The conducted research requires significant adjustments. All the sources and contextual records allow us to link this large fortified settlement in Chotyniec with the Early Iron Age and the forest steppe variant of the Scythian cultural circle. This unique site will be researched in the next excavation seasons.Pozycja Aktualne problemy zarządzania archeologicznym dziedzictwem kulturowym(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2017) Czopek, SylwesterThe article analyses issues related to the protection of archaeological heritage, understood holistically, i.e. traditional conservation (sites protection in situ) and museology (ex post protection). Providing numerous examples and quoting the opinions of other archaeologists, the author confirms the diagnosis of inefficiency of the current system of protection, its numerous gaps and inconsistencies. In conclusion the author presents a proposal for a new legal regulation - the Act on the Protection of Archaeological Heritage.Pozycja Studia muzeologiczne na Uniwersytecie Rzeszowskim – próba odpowiedzi na zapotrzebowanie muzeów XXI wieku(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2017) Trybała-Zawiślak, KatarzynaThe article presents the main goals and assumptions involving the initiative to create a course of museum studies at the University of Rzeszów and its curriculum has been also briefly described. It was pointed out that museum studies with a specialization focused on museum education and obtaining a master’s degree in this field are, so far, the only ones in Poland. Moreover, the most important scientific, organizational and didactic achievements have been described, as well as the possibilities for further development of this field of study.Pozycja (rec.) Richard Bradley, „A Geography of Offerings. Deposits of Valuables in the Landscapes of Ancient Europe”, Oxbow Books, Oxford–Philadelphia 2017, 222 strony, ISBN 978-1-78570-477-2(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2017) Okoński, Mateusz