Błędy, zaniechania i manipulacje polityków na przykładzie referendów w Polsce w 1996 i 2015 roku

Obrazek miniatury
Piasecki, Andrzej K.
Tytuł czasopisma
Tytuł tomu
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
In 1996 and 2015 two unsuccessful referendums have been carried out in Poland. They shared in common the institution of the initiator of the referendum (the president), low turnout, and instrumental treatment of these votes. The referendum of 1996 was intended to help Lech Wałęsa in the realization of his campaign promises. In 2015 Bronisław Komorowski wanted the referendum to win him the support of the followers of Paweł Kukiz. Many mistakes have been made during both referendums; for example: poorly worded questions, omission of detailed explanation of the consequences of the referendum, a series of manipulations from the politicians, such as the submission of additional questions. The ineffective results of these votes and the negative events surrounding their campaign had their impact on the state of the Polish direct democracy as well as on its functioning in the framework of the political system of the Third Republic.
Słowa kluczowe
referendum , voting , elections , president , Poland , campaign , politics , society , direct democracy
Polityka i Społeczeństwo nr 2(15)/2017, s. 104–120