Chronologia osadnictwa szeleckiego na stanowisku Lubotyń 11, pow. głubczycki, w świetle bayesowskiego modelowania datowań

Obrazek miniatury
Bobak, Dariusz
Połtowicz-Bobak, Marta
Jary, Zdzisław
Raczyk, Jerzy
Moska, Piotr
Tytuł czasopisma
Tytuł tomu
Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie
Instytut Archeologii UR
Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego
Oficyna Wydawnicza „Zimowit”
This article attempts to clarify the Szeletian chronology of the site Lubotyń 11 on the Głubczyce Plateau. The site, maintained in a good condition, has a series of radiocarbon and OSL dating. By the use of the method of Bayesian modelling, a model has been constructed, taking into account the stratigraphic relationships between the natural and cultural events observed at the site. It allowed us to restore the history of the site and, in particular, to establish two facts regarding the Palaeolithic settlement. Although the site is a remnant of multiple stays of human groups, and the flint material clearly indicates the presence of older and younger Szeletian phase, now it is not possible to separate chronologically settlement episodes. The established beginning of the settlement appears to be the earliest known chronological point within the operation of the Szeletian culture.
Słowa kluczowe
age modelling , bayesian method , chronology , middle to upper palaeolithic transition , Szeletian , Silesia
Materiały i Sprawozdania Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, t. 37/2016, s. 11–21