Ruchliwość przestrzenna ludności – mikroregion i miasto Rzeszów

Obrazek miniatury
Bryk, Andrzej
Kurkowski, Piotr
Tytuł czasopisma
Tytuł tomu
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Presented article is about the demographic and spatial structure of modern Rzeszow. The authors describe the internal migration of inhabitants of Rzeszow. To develop the article was based on the literature and the data of the Central Statistical Office. Explained precisely meaning of the word migration. Also describes the historical traditions of this phenomenon. The text contains tables on the phenomenon of internal migration of the Rzeszow sub-region each year. Then suburbanization phenomenon described as a process of social segregation. It explains exactly meaning of the term suburbanization. The detailed tables describe the phenomenon of suburbanization in agglomerations Rzeszow in selected years. Then described the phenomenon of external migration of inhabitants of Rzeszow. It presents historical traditions of this phenomenon and presented with the trends. The authors also presented quantitative status phenomenon of external migration. Reported data on registrations and-registrations residents of Rzeszow. Also lists the main countries to which residents are emigrating Rzeszow after Polish accession to the European Union. Also describes the consequences of external migration. Summary contain proposals for the described processes.
Słowa kluczowe
emigration , imigration , social segregation , suburbanization
red. Marian Malikowski, Beata Szluz, Problemy społeczno-przestrzenne współczesnego Rzeszowa, s. 150–165